#2 Water Bottle Girl

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Christine(Dream Kpop Fantasy Concert cum 2nd KISS World Tour, Philippines)

(Note: This is a work of fiction based on real-life characters. So any resemblance to real-life events aren’t entirely coincidental and were brushed up a bit to meet the fangirling needs of the author and the readers. And I’m sorry if you find it a little disgusting. Also, the fact that I incorporated myself in the story is because I’m overly ‘EPAL’ –a Filipino slang for kiss-ass. *laughs at myself*

In connection, special mentions to UKissMeUniversity’s Kevinbabe *nods*. You’ll know after you read this. I also owe you guys –UKMU, an apology. I don’t think I could follow some of your pairing requests. Inspiration struck, so I’m making this up as I go. Although I do hope you like how these go.

The overly active imagination, I owe to my awesome playlist consisting mainly of UKISS themselves, Singing with Sirens and my favorite Chopin. This is what fangirling, classical music and Fifty Shades does to me.)

            There it was.

            The VAN. And by ‘the’, I mean it has a very specific significance(at least to me and my friends, it does).  We’ve been scouting for this specific van for the past three hours since we lost it on the way from the airport. We finally caught up with it on the freeway(which is just a figurative name because it doesn’t look like a freeway at all) but lost it again once we joined heavy traffic. Luckily, we know exactly where it’s headed(the Diamond Hotel).

            Which brings us to our current position now. The five of us(me, Ruii, Camille, Hannah and the other Kristine –I’m a CH) stand behind a wall, looking like some kind of kidnap gang, scanning the parking lot for activity. I know this may sound sort of stalker-ish, but it’s really not. Okay, we really are stalking. I think it’s perfectly normal –for us anyway. You know, normal fangirling stuff. Right now, there are about fifty other girls clamoring at the van as UKISS steps out, looking really good but vaguely flustered. I think a mob could do that to you.

            “Are those other fans done yet?” Ruii asked, interrupting my train of thought.

            “No, they’re just stepping out,” I muttered, rolling my eyes.

            “You think it’s a good idea to go after they enter the hotel?” Camille said, wiping the sweat that had started to drip from her brow. I suddenly felt the heat –hell, the sun was beating down on us.

            “Better than getting flattened by that mob,” Ruii answered. “It looks pretty scary. Imagine what UKISS is feeling right now.”

            “Probably half-terrified,” Hannah cut in, craning her head to get a better view. From our position we could vaguely see their faces, which made my heart race just a bit. God, they look awesome. Even better than I expected, if that was possible. “Look at what they’re doing. I think someone just stepped on Kevin’s foot,” she continued. I nodded, only vaguely hearing what she said, completely immersed in my second observation of those handsome faces.

            Kristine suddenly burst into giggles.

            We started and turned to her. “What?” we asked in unison.

            “Si Kambal,” she muttered. “She looks like she’s high.”

            I aimed a kick at her, which she deftly avoided. My foot ended up colliding with the wall. “Ow!” I covered my mouth. Damn, that hurt. I shot her a mock stern look. “I think we’re all pretty high right now.” My toe still throbbing, I turned back to the mob, which had moved on towards the entrance of the hotel. I can’t believe no one else thought of our little idea.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 24, 2013 ⏰

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