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"Okay, Nancy where are we going." My fiancé Sawyer flashes a camera in my face.

"To Sanlow." I smile.

"To Sanlow to discover the deaths and disappearances of the town." He flashes the camera to his dark locks and blue eyes.

He turns off the camera. He starts off the car and drives to the airport. Once are on the plane he turns on the Camera.

"On the to Sanlow. Will be there in about eight hours. There we will explain what we are doing in Sanlow in more in-depth." Sawyer was doing a documentary about the weirdness and disappearances of the people in Sanlow. In my old town. I haven't been there in almost 5 years.

"I'm glad you are doing this." Sawyer kisses me and holds my hand. I nod

It was 2009 when I started the seventh grade. I had a group of friends and I was one of the most well-known girls at school.

I was a nice girl, not innocent really but nice. My friend group consisted of all the same girls. I was an average student, my 6th grades were just C's and B's. What made of it was my popularity.

As months went on the friend group started drifting from me. They would "forget" to invite me to their slumber parties and hangouts. One of the girls had a boyfriend named Craig, He was a junior in high school! He was a dick. One day Craig kissed me and said that I was his. He did other things. Terrible things. I told the girl, Belle about it. She took offense and told me that I was stealing her boyfriend and that I was a two-cent whore.

Soon the group and I drifted. I began eating alone at a table in the corner. Soon people were forgetting me.

At the age of 13, you wouldn't expect someone so attention-seeking. But yet here I was three months after the fact of departing from that friend group in low rise jeans that showed my g-string, corset top, platforms, dark makeup, and a fake nose ring.

October 7th, 2009

That morning I got ready, I had a purple top and my low rise jeans. It showed my midriff, I put on my converses. I straightened my blonde hair and put on some more eyeliner and lip gloss. I also grab my black backpack.

I walk downstairs, no one was up. "Perfect" I quickly steal 20 bucks from my dad and leave. I walk to school. It was cold but I would be caught dead with a coat. On the way to school, I look at the trees, They were turning late. They always turned mid-September but I guess it was just the random heat waves this year making it keep from turning.

The walk to school was my calm before the storm, The calm before everything. I get to school to see people sitting on the benches and groups of people waiting for school to start. 

I see some girls from my old friend group doing homework. "Fucking losers," I mumble. I go by a tree and look at the people getting dropped off.

The bell rings and I walk into the school. People leaving space for me. It's good being feared you can go to class and people act like Britney Spears just walked into a dollar tree.

I walk to the end of the east hallway and take a left into the science classroom. My advisory. We would just play games at the beginning before we did the morning greeting shit.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 29, 2021 ⏰

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