Chapter 9💙

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                          -Megan POV -
I woke up feeling like the shit not goin even lie to you. Last night felt so good, it's like I'm really ready to have a kid by Y/N like she's the girl of my dreams.

I'm so happy I got back right with her!

"Papa wake up" I shook Y/N.

She didn't wake up so I had to get on top of her and put this pussay on her lip......Purrrrrr.

"Bae you....Suffocatin...M...EEEE" she yelled tryna breathe.

"Girl so now you can't handle this WAP" I asked.

"Bae what" she laughed and got up.

"You know I can always handle that WAP" she said and it caused me to blush.

I sticked out ma tongue and she just laughed.
It's been almost a year since Y/N and I been dating, honestly I loved every bit of it.

I was kinda scared to tell Y/N that I wanted a baby from her. I was deep in my thoughts until Y/N snapped me out of them.

"Mamas you okay" Y/N said.

"Yeah I'm alright" I was bluffing.

And she could tell to cause she gave me a face and that meant I was capping.

"Bae I know you, your not's like your deep in your thought" she said.

I looked at her in shocked cause how did she know.

"I- okay...well...see I wanna have a baby by you" I  said.

She looked at me and shocked but then she responded.

"Bae you fr?" She asked and I shook my head.

"Or do you want the...tHrOaT BaBiEs" Y/N singed.

"Girl-" I laughed then I pulled her into a kiss.

"Soooo you tryna get your doomies beat down huh" she asked and I started to nod my head.

(Time Skip)

"Damnnn Y/N I didn't know you can beat it like that" I said out of breath.

All she did was laugh, I'm tired of her already. I rolled over and checked the time.


I had forgot about going to the studio today with Y/N to record this feature.

We hurried up and did our hygiene stuff and got our clothes on. Me and Y/N put on sum simple nun to much.

We got inside the car and drove to the studio we finally made it and Y/N wrote her part and told me to go first.

I finished my part now we needed to have Y/N part on there, but of course Y/N being Y/N she takes a long ass time.

Finally she gets done writing and then she records her part, she messed up a couple of times but then she finally got it right.

We finally left and Y/N took me out to dinner, which was the sweetest thing.

"You most definitely goin get to dick sucked tonight" I mumbled.

"FOREALLLL LETS GOOOOO" she yelled but not to loud.

"Girl shut up" I laughed.

                              TIME SKIP
We made it back to the house and I was still gonna keep my promise.

Me and Y/N been on chill for the whole night since we came back. Now it's time for me to give her what she want.

                                 Y/N POV
I was scrolling on Instagram until I saw Megan being extra touchy on me.

"Bae whatchu doing mama" I asked and she said nothing.

I just went back on my phone until I felt tired and went to sleep.

I was sleep for a good 2 hours and I felt my member being touched and sucked on.

I wake up and I see Megan on top of me going crazy on my jawn.

"Megan...Chill bae" I groaned tryna get away from her.

"Uht uhhhh you mine now" she looked up with lust in her eyes.

I let her keep going for awhile until I wanted more of her.

I pushed her off and told her to "take off her clothes".

She took them off in a heart beat. Now it was time to get busy.

I pulled her in a kiss and she let my hands roam all over her body until it got to her vagina.



                  -TO BE CONTINUED-

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