Chapter 3: An eventul evening

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(Chloe's point of view)

Once Vivi went inside, I crouched down to pick up the pet bowl. Tiny bits of cat food were stuck to the edges so I scrapped them off for Murasaki or some other stray to come eat. Speaking of the cat, I turned to the direction where she scampered off. The end of the alley was dark and I could only make out the silhouettes of a few boxes. As I turned towards the door, I couldn't help but feel a set of eyes watching me. I quickly shook the feeling off and headed inside.

(Murasaki's point of view)

I watched from afar as the human called Chloe went inside the building. The name Murasaki still swarmed my mind as I laid there on top of some sort of metallic box. It was a nice enough name and fit perfectly with my given appearance. I wonder if it was my actual name, given its been difficult regaining most of my memories ever since I woke up in this strange place.

Standing on all fours, I jump off the platform I was on and walked towards the door. The muffled sound of voices could be heard, one of them wearing a stern tone. I look up to see a small window, the light shining through confirms that it leads to the inside.

Taking quick glances around my surroundings, I start climbing my way towards it. Once I got the last platform, I noticed that the window was slightly opened. I crouched a bit and nudged the window open with my nose. The inside looked much different than what I imagined, it had a haunted aura surrounding its many books. My gaze then turned to the two arguing individuals that i've heard a few seconds ago. It was Chloe speaking with someone I have never seen.

"Chloe, have you've been feeding that alley cat again? I know you remember what I told you about feeding stray cats." This human had a disappointed look on their face, their sense of clothing was rather questioning to say the least.

"Oh come on Duet, she's not going to harm anyone! Besides once I can afford to move out of my complex, I'll be sure to take her with me."

"That's not what I meant! The more you keep feeding it, the more of its friends its going to bring! And before you know it, the whole place it gonna be swarming with stray cats!"

I flinched at the human's response, its not like I have any acquaintances to begin with. Am I that much of a nuisance? Deciding to head back before the argument got more heated, I jumped off the platform and headed towards the slightly crowded sidewalk. As much as I don't mind humans being close to me, the slightest attempt of a random human trying to pet me would result in me backing away a few inches.

I was still replaying the argument in my head and failed to realize that I was about to crash into the human in front of me. I crashed nose first into their leg, startling them and they turned to look at me. Looking up, I got a good look at them as they, or should I say he, stared back at me . The man had a burly look to him, a strand of brown contrasted his blond hair and matched with his eyebrows. I could have studied the human more, but my main focus was to run away as I noticed a group of kids running towards us. In the blink of an eye, I was bounding towards the edge of town where it meets with the desert.

(A few hours later)

The sun was already beginning to set across the horizon, hiding behind the massive colorful canyon formations. This was one of the things to enjoy about this place, the peace and quiet the desert offered gave it some extra points. Resting my chin on my forepaws, I decided to stay here until the end of the sunset to return to the alley way. My eyes wandered across the sands, eyeing a few coyotes strut back to their den until I caught something that looked out of place. Even as I strained my eyes, the only features that I could see clearly was that it was a blue skinned........human? Something felt wrong about this creature, the more I stare at it the more I feel uncomfortable. All of a sudden, the creature vanished as if it had been sucked into the earth. That was more than enough to make me head back early, thoughts swam around my mind as I contemplated whether it was something that I should not have seen.

I stepped onto the road and headed towards the town, breathing in the familiar scents of spices that pooled out of one of the buildings. The humans there would sometimes throw out scraps of food that they deemed unworthy of eating, a waste of a meal if you ask me. Nonetheless, I would go through one of the trash bins to eat whatever leftovers they threw out. Reaching the familiar sidewalk, I cautiously examine my surroundings. There would still be a few humans lingering here and there and I wasn't taking any chances of being spotted. As I was about to cross the street, I see a gloomy young woman walking at a slow pace along side a dog, preferably her companion or the term "pet". Looking back at the human, I noticed that it was the same human that I met a few hours ago.

I felt the urge to walk up her but remembered the dog by her side. Its eyes were focused on its owner until its nose twitched, a red gaze now landed on me. The canine's examined me as I did the same, its collar tag was the first thing I noticed.The golden symbol of a question mark gleamed, giving the red background of the rest of the tag a nice warm contrast.On its side, I could make out the word "Mystery" inscribed. The name sounded familiar but didn't give it much thought as the dog sent a growl towards me.

Deciding to take its warning, I crossed the street and into the alley way where I would get my dinner.The human looked at her pet, confused at what it was growling at.Just then a group of three children came out of the building with a heavy looking trash bag. I hid behind the bin as one of them opened its lid for the other two to throw the pile inside.

The putrid stench stung my nostrils but it was better to eat something from there than not eat anything at all.One of the three man-cubs noticed the blue haired human and gave a small wave. Thinking that it was a good idea to come out of the shadows, I stepped out only to be grabbed by a tiny set of hands and hoised up from the ground.
"Guys look! I found this stray cat by the dumpster!" My eyes went wide as I shivered in the tanned hands of a little girl. Her big eyes shined in excitement as the other two girls turned their attention towards us.

I was beginning to panic the more I was being held. Not wanting to harm the little girl, I gave her a warning yowl to let her know that I was not okay with this.It gave her a scare, giving me the chance to wiggle out of her grip.Landing on my feet, I bounded towards the alley way that I sleep in.
"No! Kitty, come back!" was what I heard behind me but was too focused on making it to the safety of my home.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 20, 2022 ⏰

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