Perfect 💜

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I'm so sorry I haven't posted in awhile!!! Schools been up my ass making me not be able to post much but I'm back!!!! Enjoy the story!!!
☆*:.。. o(≧▽≦)o .。.:*☆


I was in my studio making a new solo song but I couldn't get the right melody I wanted, I started thinking of some melodies but the didn't match what I wanted. At this point I was really deep in the question, I picked up my guitar and started playing a song (Paper Hearts by Tori Kelly) I started strumming and got lost into the song "Pictures I'm living through for now trying to remember all the good times our life was cutting through so loud memories are playing in my dull mind I hate this part, paper hearts and I'll hold a piece of yours, don't think I would just forget about it~"

POV Namjoon

"Namjoon, you should take a break you've been writing lyrics for the past hour."

"Ok, I'll be back hyung." I left the studio me, Hoseok and Yoongi we're in and went to grab some water. I walked past Jin's studio but heard him singing, he doesn't sing that much in front of the members and sings to himself on his own, it was nice to hear his voice. "Everything is gray under these skies wet mascara hiding every cloud under a smile when there's cameras and I just can't reach out to tell you that I always wonder what you're up to~" I didn't realize I was in him room sitting on the couch he had in his studio, then I started singing "Pictures I'm living through for now trying to remember all the good times~" he stopped playing and turned his office chair towards me panicking "u-uhh hey! What's up?" He puts his guitar back in its case, before he zipped it I stopped him by holding his wrist "Keep playing please, it's nice to hear your voice." He looked me right in the eye "y-you think so?" I nodded and he took it out of the case, he got set up and started playing dynamite on his guitar "Cause ah ah I'm in the stars tonight, so watch me bring the fire and set the night alight." We sang a couple songs till we were lost in eachother. A part of me was telling me to kiss him and another was to go back to Yoongi and Hoseok. I didn't want to leave Jin like this, I've never seen him smile and laugh like this "Namjoon, are you ok?" Fuck it I put his guitar on the couch and brought him closer to me making him on my lap "N-Namjoon."

"It's ok, it's just us." He hesitated and kissed me softly, I went along with him at his pace not wanting him to feel uncomfortable. He broke the kiss and hid his face on my shoulder in embarrassment "Jin hyung, you ok." He nodded in response "We can just cuddle if you want, we don't have to do it."

"Ok daddy."


What the fuck did I just say?!?! Jin your so stupid!!! Now he's gonna think your weird!!! I felt him run his hand through my hair "you know your really pretty right." I shook my head, he chuckled "well you are, I'm sure ARMY can agree on that."(imma barge in but like...PERIOD!!!! HE SAID WHAT NEEDED TO BE SAID!!) I got off his lap and sat back down on my office chair "Why'd you get up?"

"I-I...Can y-you please get out of the room for a minute... please."

"Alright, call me when you need me ok, I'll be in my studio." He walked out of my studio and headed to his "Argh, Jin what are you doing? He's your band mate!!" I was frustrated (trusfrated...sorry not sorry) for a little till I went to the dance practice room, nobody was in there but me, I locked the door so nobody could come in. I played a song on the speakers and started dancing to it.

I was out of breath after doing the dance probably 5 times just to make sure I got the choreography right. I quickly grabbed my guitar from my studio and locked the door behind me, I grabbed my phone and sat down with my guitar and phone and started to practice playing it.

POV Namjoon

I walked past the dance practice room across from Jin's studio and saw him sitting there, playing on his guitar cute...wait a damn minute...did I just call him cute?!?! Dude!! He's your band mate!! I shake my head and kept walking till I heard a "N-Namjoon?" I turned around and saw Jin peeking from the dance practice room door "Yeah Jin hyung, need something?"

"C-Can we go home now?" I realized that the others already went to their dorms except for me and Jin, I checked my phone and it was already 11:48 pm "I'm ready when your ready." He brings his phone and guitar into his studio and gets his bag. I went back to my studio and grabbed my stuff, we headed to the car where Jin was really sleepy(The fact that Namjoon still doesn't have his driver's license and we're ok with that...ThAtS oUr LeAdEr!! Ok I'll stop)"You know you can sleep right?"

"I-I know, I just don't wanna fall asleep here."

"Jin hyung, sleep." I put my right hand on his thigh while my left hand was on the wheel, he soon fell asleep half way to the dormitory. We got to the dorms and I looked at him what would I do without you I got out of the car with him being carried in a bridal style to our dorm. I placed him gently on the bed till I felt someone grab my wrist gently "...stay..." I smiled and changed into some comfy shorts without a shirt "wanna change into something more comfy?" He nodded in tiny, I smiled at his cuteness and grabbed some clothes for him. It was weird cause I had to umm...change his clothes, I finished changing him and got in his bed with him.

(Their position in bed)

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(Their position in bed)

I ran my hand through his soft fluffy hair while he cuddled up close to me. "N-Namjoon."


"...Is it ok if I call you..."

"Take your time." I rubbed up and down his back to make him feel more safe in my arms "Can I call you...d-daddy~" I was Jungshook by what he wanted to call me, I was expecting a nickname, I soon smiled at him "Call me whatever you want, as long as your ok." He smiles "Thank you, daddy."

"If you call me daddy, can I call you something?" He nodded "Then I'll call you baby." He blushed at the name I gave him "O-ok."

"If you don't like it, I can change it."

"No no, I like it." I give him a peck on the forehead "Daddy, I have a question."

"What's up babe."

"T-The producers say I need to lose weight, 10 lbs to be exact, do you think I need to lose we-"

"No, don't listen to them, and don't listen to them. Do what you wanna do, you wanna eat then eat, you wanna exercise then exercise. Remember what happened to Jimin, he could've fainted because he wasn't eating a lot, only do what you wanna do, like being here in Bangtan."

"B-but what if they yell at me."

"Then you come to me and tell who yelled at you, I'll take care of it." He looked up making his eyes look like they have stars in them "Thank you daddy." He soon fell asleep in my arms, I fell asleep too.


I'm glad I met you daddy.

POV Namjoon

I'm glad I met you baby.

☆*:.。. o(≧▽≦)o .。.:*☆

⚠️Must read⚠️
I've seen you guys comment on how my Ask Bangtan chapters are like Cameron Philips dubbed series, I didn't know who that was so I looked it up and found some similarities. Just know that I did not know who Cameron was until now, before I didn't so I did not mean to copy  from him.

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