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meet anna , she loves flowers and knows their names and their meaning because when our lives has a meaning then other things does , like these beautiful flowers.

Anna discovered the beauty of flowers when she was 10 years old. The flowers in her mother's garden inspired her a lot to discover many kinds of flowers and knowing their name , what is the meaning of the flower.

For Anna , she chose to be a gardener rather than the other jobs that was waiting for her.

She had an opportunity and was offered many times but all she did is reject them.

The reason? Well , she loves the flowers very much that she decided to build a flower shop in the city so that people get to know about the flowers and what their meaning is.

"Anna? Are you almost done there sweetheart?" Her mother called as she answered a "almost there" as she swept the floor neatly as she went to the kicthen where her mother is.

She was asked to give the food to the workers as she looked at her flower shop. "It's almost done and now I can display a plant." She said to herself and went back to her mother's garden and turned the faucet on to fill the watering can as she waters the plants that she adores so much.

The flower shop is all she could dream of and nothing else , it was the garden who she always go to when she wants to escape the reality.

Her mother agreed to the idea of letting her take charge of the flowers because she knew how her daughter loves to take care of the flowers.

But she would sell the extra ones that has a beautiful meaning that everyone needs to know of and they would know how important the flowers are.

Taking care of a flower was a big responsiblity , especially when you don't take care of them. It is like taking care of a person.

It blooms happily when it is alive and taken care off beautifully with a good nature of course but when you don't care of it or forgot to water the beautiful flower , it will no longer grow and wither instead.

Her mother once shower her a flower that was about to wither and the poor girl cried when she saw how the beautiful blooming flower in her eyes turned into a withered flower and it made ger realize that a flower , a plant also has a life.

When she was younger , she once imagined that there were little people inside the flower that needs sunlight and water as their food and it blooms when you take good care of it.

Looking at the flower in front of her made her peaceful , she never loved anyone more than the love she has with flowers

The beautiful flower attracted her eyes as it blooms beautifully.

'One day you'll bloom just like the flower beautifully'

Her mom said that and she was happy that she took care of the flowers and herself properly as it grow and grow into a beautiful garden.

The mother was proud , she never knew her daughter would be so dedicated of taking care of the flowers she had and hoping for it to pass on.

"Miss Anna! We need to ask you some questions about your shop!" Shouted the workers as she smiled and touched the beautiful daisy and she walked out of the garden towards the workers.

They discussed about the furniture to be putted and where would she want to put it as she wanted it to be calming when the costumers come by.

She already edited a poster to promote her shop and provided pictures of the flowers she wanted to sell and how it is packed and of course , the bill.

Her main goal is making people happy with the flower of their choice to give to their loved ones and as she point the flowers she would recommend , she explained what the flower means and she could also write a letter of what the person wanted the person to know what the person feels.

The bill wasn't pricey , it was the best price for a beautiful flower and since she doesn't really want the money , it was rather lower than any other flower shops sells.

She just wants to make people happy and to know the language of the flowers and hoping that it would be a success when they give the flowers for their loved ones.

The poster says :
'Send a beautiful flower to your loved ones and see the beauty of their message'

Before uploading it to the internet and other social media accounts , she smiled and patted her cat , Minki as the cat purred. She clicked the mouse and iploaded it to her social medias.

"What's the name of your flower shop again?" William , her brother asked and she smiled.

'The beauty of flowers'

- love , nicó

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