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    2 WEEK time jump

The last two weeks went by in a flash, however, I couldn't stop thinking of when Draco kissed me even if it was just a dare. Whenever I was around him, my heart skipped a beat wondering, wishing he felt the same way about me. Harry is still being standoffish towards me and ignoring me. However, I am excelling in all of my classes, I even have higher grades than Hermione. Hermione is quite upset that I took the top spot from her, but I don't care because I'm a smart bitch period.

On my way to class, I hear Draco run up behind me and say
"Jake are you excited for quidditch tryouts today, wait you're trying out right?"
"Of course, not to brag but at Ilvermorny I was seeker three years in a row."
"Oh really, well I've been Slytherin Seeker for three years, may the best seeker win," Draco said in a snarky way
"Don't worry he will" I said while laughing
Draco's face turned red and he then said
"Indeed he will."

The school day went by so fast, and it was now time for quidditch tryouts! I entered the locker room to get changed for tryouts, Draco followed shortly behind me. While getting changed I couldn't help but notice Draco's defined abs and arms, Draco noticed and blushed I turned my head out of embarrassment. Suddenly Draco says
"Good luck Jake, if you become seeker I promise I won't hate you...but I doubt you will." I giggle and say
"We'll see about that Draco."
We then head towards the quidditch pitch, brooms in hand, to my surprise Draco and I both have a Nimbus 2005, which is the best broom out there, making it fair game.

The tryout game has now started Draco and I are going head to head. Draco is staying low, while I'm up high searching for the golden snitch. I then see a flash of gold towards my right, I swoop down chasing after snitch. Draco sees me chasing after it and hurries over to join
"Sorry, you're about to lose," Draco said when he finally caught up to me.
I looked over to him about to say something when BAM! I crashed into the risers, not paying attention, falling 15 feet to the hard ground, and my broom falling with me. Luckily, I suffered no major injuries and hopped back on my broom.
"Thought I was gone, did ya?" I said to Draco once I caught up
"No, I'm not that lucky," he said with a smirk on his face. I then somehow manage to separate from Draco and am inches away from the snitch, if only my arms were longer. "Fuck it," I say to my self and dive off my broom towards the snitch, catching it in my hands on my to the ground. Luckily I was only 6 feet in the air so I didn't sustain any injuries. I then stood up with everyone starring at me including Marcus, the team captain who then flew over and said
"That was the best catch I've ever seen in all of my years watching and playing quidditch, I think we just found ourselves a new seeker!"
Draco's face grew red, this was the first time he was ever angry at me. I didn't care though, just because I like him doesn't mean I'm gonna give him something just because he wants it. Draco then flew down and somehow managed to say
"congratulations Park," he then got right up in my face, looking at me with his gorgeous bluish-green eyes, and said, "there's always next year." in a hostile type way.

Time Jump to after tryouts


Dinner had just begun and to my surprise, Draco was still talking to me.
"Jake, guess what,"
"What Draco"
"After you left,  Marcus let me tryout with the chasers, and I'm the newest chaser!"
"Congrats Draco, hope you're not mad at me for taking your seeker position"
"I'm not, however, if you die or something I'll gladly take my spot back," Draco said with a smile on his face before bursting out laughing. Blaise, who was also a chaser then said
"Draco, you better not fuck up playing your new position" with a smirk on his face. Draco then got defensive and said
"Don't worry I won't, if anything you'll be the one to land ass first on the ground" Blaise didn't respond but instead flipped Draco off. Just then, to my surprise, Harry walked over to me
"I heard you're new Slytherin seeker, good luck in our upcoming match this Saturday," He said sounding sincere. I was shocked he goes from ghosting me for 2 weeks to then wishing me luck, maybe he was hesitant at first to get to know me considering he just found out I was his secret twin. I reply to Harry with
"Thanks, good luck to, you too," before Harry could even say anything Draco interrupted our conversation and said with a huge grin on his face
"Don't be wishing Potter luck, personally I hope he breaks his arm again, only this time it won't grow back"
Luckily Hermione was right behind Harry and was able to get Harry to walk away without causing a scene, I tried to follow them to apologize but Draco grabbed me by the arm to stop me.
"Let me go," I say angrily
"Make me."
I then say
"Why are you so obsessed with tormenting Gryffindors, especially Harry. Are you like gay for him or something?"  Draco's face turned blood red, and all of Slytherin heard what I said. Blaise then started the chant
"Gay for Potter" which the entire Slytherin table then started to chant. Draco then stormed out of the Great Hall in anger. I didn't care though, and I don't feel bad for what I said, he deserves it for trying to sabotage my relationship with the only biological family I know.

This is the end of chapter 2, this is more of a filler as it leads up to a crazy next chapter!

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