Night Dresses and Water Aren't Supposed to Mix.

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{/There is a slight trigger warning for describing drowning. The description is in the last paragraph. You have been warned if you do not wish to read something of those lines./}

Ever since you were a child, you'd wondered what the great sea could offer you. You'd wondered what it would be like to swim in it, to sail on the open sea. Mayhaps your pirate dream was a bit too much, but living by the ocean had given you its perks. You enjoyed it well enough, and it gave you a place to get away from your general life.

It was currently around Midnight, and not a soul dare roam the vast sandy land mass you'd call a comfort area. You had a nightgown on; You were supposed to be in bed hours ago, set to go to a meeting with a new company, however your mind and body had different plans, and how could you resist what they said?

The lights in the surrounding houses were out, sans the occasional porch light, which lit up less than a candle if it weren't to try. You stepped out of your house, bare feet gently touching the slightly damp wood of your stairs. You made your way down them, trying to keep as silent as the world around you. You'd never been the type to make a big scene, let alone in the middle of the night.

Once off of the steps you took a step into what you'd describe as heaven, almost. The sand under your feet crunched quietly as you made your way to the doc that sat off the shoreline. You'd come here often, sit and contemplate how life was, or what you needed to do, or anything, really. The doc was significantly more wet than your stairs, and you knew when you sat down you'd need to clean your nightgown.

You dipped your feet into the water, a chill sending you your spine. The water wasn't feeling, per se, but it wasn't warm, either. You blinked, before quietly staring down at the sea beneath you. You didn't want to go to the meeting tomorrow- Hell, as of now you didn't want to go back to your house. That thing would be long and extremely boring. You shook your head, and shifted positions so a bit of your upper body was hanging off of the dock. You dipped your hand, and a bit of your sleeve, into the water, and sighed.

"What do you think I should do?" You asked the gorgeous, star reflecting serface of the water. You got no reply, of course. You then closed your eyes, and started to recite a story you remembered.

"When I was younger," You began, speaking to no one in particular. The sea seemed to be a good listener- It never even interrupted! "My mother always told me a story of two lovers, Goddesses, cursed to never meet one another. One representing the Sea, and one the Moon." You closed your eyes, imagining the two in your head. Beautiful women whom longed to be together, but could not.

"The Sea could never touch the moon, and as so she got desperate and frustrated. Distraught, she tried to run from her problems. However running did nothing, and so she froze her self in a bout of depression and longing." You opened your eyes to stare at the water.

"It has been said that, when the Sea defrosted, in an attempt to hide her sorrow, she shattered her memories of her beloved and hid them deep in a tower." Your hand gently ran through the water at this. "The Moon slept through all of this, not knowing until it was too late. Sometimes, if you look at the moon late at night, while it's shining brightly," You turned your head to glance at the moon. "You can see her reaching towards the Sea, however the Sea has hidden herself as to not remind herself of the doomed-to-fail relationship. Some people believe you can reunite the two, and save the Sea." You looked back down at said body of water, sighing. "But no one is sure of it."

You pushed yourself back into a sitting position on the dock. "I wonder if it's true. Mother always said it was just a story, however it doesn't feel like it's just a story. If I were a pirate, or on a ship..." You looked down, once again, into the inky blackness that you longed to be your home. "Perhaps I could help save the Sea and reunite her with the Moon. That's all that story has ever made me want to do.." You swung your legs over the dock again, staring to say, "But I don't think that's possible." However you were cut short as you miscalculated your swing and dove feet-first into to sea.

Your nightgown tangled your legs, you couldn't move them. You tried to move up with your arms, however it didn't work. You sunk deeper into the black which now surrounded you. You tried to hold you breath, but before you could tell if you could or not, everything went completely black and you became unconsious.

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