Chapter 5

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Rin's POV

   All week, all fucking week! I haven't been able to walk without a limp. The first few days were a living hell with all of the questions or the smirks, but most of all, Bon teased me about it! He would chuckled every time he saw me limp and wouldn't help! God, I fucking hate him sometimes.. why did I let him fuck me again?

   Speak of the devil.. the fucking idiot's hand found its way into mine as I walked back to my dorm with a slight limp still noticeable.

   "Look, who still can't walk." Bon teased while laughing.

"Shut the fuck up asshat." I growled turning my head in the opposite direction, but not moving my hand from his.

"Someone's grumpy~ Are you on your period or some shit?" Once again he teased me, his laugh filling the air all over again.

"I'm not a fucking girl." I mumbled very irritated.

"Your moans make you sound like one though~"

A blush rushed to my face and I hissed, "You bastard! God, why did I let you fuck me again? You're gonna have to remind me."

"Maybe because you love me, or because I'm just that amazing, or maybe it's my handsome looks, or could it be-"

Before he could finish, I removed my hand from his and slapped him not so lightly across the chest while mumbling with a blush, "You arrogant little prick.. I fucking hate you."

"No you don't~ You love me and you'd totally let me fuck you again." He said in a dominant voice.

"Or maybe, I'll be the one fucking you next time." I smirked as I pushed him against the wall that was just conveniently right next to us.

Although he was flustered, it didn't last long as he flipped us around so I was the one being pinned, "Bold of you to assume I'd let you top me little demon~ You're a fucking bottom, got it?"

His hot breath against my neck and his mouth teasing my ear lobe turned me on quite a bit, "Just fuck me right here, right now then.. daddy~"

   "Well, shit. Did I interrupt something once again?" A smirking Boobzilla came up to us, "Let me get some popcorn and you can finish."

   "Oh, hell no, only I get to see my Rin naked." Bon suddenly growled, even more dominance radiating from him.

   "Excuse me, but I'm not property so you can't just claim me as yours." I retorted.

   "Wanna bet, little demon? I can call you mine whenever the fuck I want and I know you're only acting like a brat because you're mad about not being able to walk." Bon retorted back just as easily as I did.

   "I'm right here you little shits. I was just kidding about watching you know." Boobzilla spoke up, snickering.

   "Then get the fuck out of here hag!" I yelled quite annoyed with her.

"Okay, okay, no need to yell." With that she left as fast she appeared.

"Now where were we?" Bon purred in my ear.

"We were walking back to my dorm, horny asshat." I pushed him off of me and began walking away.

"Oh? So you think that's what we're doing? You thought wrong little demon~" Suddenly, Bon threw me over his shoulder, emitting a squeak from me, and walked towards his dorm building.

"Put me down, bastard!" I yelled at him as I bit his back with my fists.

"Ah, ah, ah." He smacked my ass making me stop hitting him and made me cover my face out of embarrassment.

   Right when we got to his room, he pinned me against the bed and smashed his lips against mine.

   Although I loved him, did he love me? "Bon, stop!" I pushed him off me and sat up.

   "What's wrong baby?" He tried taking my hand, but I quickly pulled it away.

   "Are you only with me for sex?" I mumbled, looking down at my lap.

   "Why would you think that?" He whispered, hurt evident in his voice, but I didn't buy it.

   "You haven't helped me at all this week! All you've done is tease me and now all of a sudden you want to have sex! So tell me before I get hurt even more than I already am, do you love me or are you just using me?" Tears fell down my face swiftly, Bon's hand now in my own.

   "Rin, look at me. I love you so, so, so, so, so much, it's unbelievable. Of course I'm not using you for sex! I've wanted you for a long time and now that I have you, I want all of you. I'm sorry for teasing you all week, but it was out of love. I would never intentionally hurt you, I love you too much, baby." Bon lifted my face up and his lips found mine.

   This kiss was sweet and passionate, not like the one a few moments ago. His lips released mine, but found my face again, but not my lips. He peppered my face everywhere until he found my lips again.

"I love you, okay? Please never forget that." He whispered against my lips.

"I love you, too Bon." I whispered back.

"Suguro, call me by my given name."

"Then you can call me... wait a damn second! You've already been calling me by my given name! How the hell have I not noticed?"

(Um, so I made a mistake and realized that Bon has been calling him Rin this entire time.. his given name, but I fixed it!)

He chuckled lightly, "I'm surprised you just noticed. Now come here," He picked me up and placed me on his lap so I was straddling him, "You look tired, let's take a nap."

Bon laid down on his back, bringing me down with him, so I was laying on his chest. "I love you, Suguro. God, I love saying your name."

"I love you, too and I love saying your name, too." He chuckled, sleep taking over both of us.

Heyyy, so I've been gone.. again, but I'd like to mention the person who gave me motivation! OfficiaI_Hinata Thank you so much for the sweet comments, because of you, I got my 1060 words! Love you all, I hope you enjoyed, and have a great day/night! Byeeeee! 💕

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