Part 8

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A week later

"May I come in sir?” you heavily pant as you open the door of your classroom. Your shirt were drenching with sweat and you glare at Taehyung. “You've been coming late since a week. Is there any problem?” the teacher looks at you and you shake your head.

"Take your seat we were just starting” the teacher points at your seat and you walk by, eyes glued at Taehyung. “Yahh why didn't you wait for me?” you dash your palm at Taehyung's shoulder. “Ahh sorry" he coldly says and focuses on his textbook while Jungkook stands up from his seat, taking everyone's attention and then walks up to your desk while slamming the water bottle.

"Put yourself first" he says and returns back to his seat. “What was that?” the teacher looks between you and Jungkook while everyone looks at you in suspicious.

"You! come with me" as the school bell rings indicating it was time for your lunch break, you quickly drag Taehyung out from the class by holding his wrist toward the school back gate

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"You! come with me" as the school bell rings indicating it was time for your lunch break, you quickly drag Taehyung out from the class by holding his wrist toward the school back gate.

"Yoo what's going on huh? I've been always waiting for you in the bus stop but you always leave early. At least answer my calls or inform me a night before” you nag as Taehyung has been leaving for school alone. “I'm sorry"

"Sorry? That's- That's all you have to say" you were frustrated by the way he was acting for past week. “Umm” he nods with his cold stares as regular and then he notices a mark on your neck, like something hot was poured into.

"What's this” Taehyung shifts your hair to see the burn on your neck. “Yahh stop it" you instantly slap his hand and look down. “How did it happen?” he frowns, now he was genuinely concerned about you. “It was just an accident nothing much" you lie, not looking up as you hadn't build any guts yet.

"You're lying" he holds your shoulder and makes you look at him. “You never look in people's eyes when you lie" he says, the deep frown never leaving his face. “I am not" you hiss and move his hand away, walking yourself upstairs to the rooftop. Taehyung also notices a white bandage wrapped on your left hand.

"This won't get bad right?” you look in the broken mirror inside the store room of rooftop. You tie your hair in a ponytail and then start to unbutton your shirt, to see the wound on your back and then you hear someone walking toward the store room.

"Oh shit" you quickly hide yourself behind the benches and chairs, and the door opens.

"It's me"


"Why are you here?” you ask, not walking up as you were shirtless. “I got you lunch cause obviously you won't eat as you’re always busy studying” Jungkook walks toward you who was hiding. “Stop right there. I haven't wore anything, I mean I am shirtless" you raise your voice, and Jungkook quickly turns on his heels.

His face flushed and his heart pumping rapidly. “Don't have nasty thoughts Jungkook-ah" he slaps himself to stop with his dirty thoughts.

"I can slap you instead” you walk in front of him and see him carrying breads and can juice.

"Sit down" you pull out two chairs while Jungkook stares at your burn. “It was your father wasn't it?” Jungkook's question takes you back and you scoff. “Then who would do it?” you turn at him and give him a chair. “He went too far” “Nope he has even done worse" you chuckle and sit down beside him.

“Let’s eat and forget about it" you snatch the bag from his hand and then Jungkook widens his eyes when he sees blood on your shirt.

"You're bleeding" his words comes in whisper and you look at him confused. “There” he first points at your forearm and then at your back.

"Aishh" you hiss at yourself as your long sleeved white shirt gets dots of blood as well as in your back. “Wait here" Jungkook rushes out from the rooftop to the nurse room and then to the classroom to grab his sweater.

As Jungkook was in a hurry, he accidentally dashes to Minsuh on the corridor and runs without apologizing. While Minsuh was about to stumble back, Taehyung quickly grabs her who happens to be on the corridor after his lunch. “Are you alright?” Taehyung asks Minsuh and then glares at Jungkook's back who was running upstairs in a hurry. “Yeah I am fine thanks" Minsuh weakly smiles while getting up from his grip.

"Y/N” the door of the store room swings open with Jungkook and you look at him while eating bread and can juice.

"How can you casually sit when you're in such a pain" he bends down and starts to open the box that he brought from nurse room. “I am used to it" you smile and Jungkook gently holds your hand, slowly pulling up the sleeves of your shirt. He frowns when he sees the deep cut, his eyes slowly brimming with tears and you look at him in confusion.

"Does it hurt a lot?” his voice gets stuck as the burning sensation wraps his throat. “Hey” you hold his shoulder and try to find his face. “Sorry” he quickly wipes his tears and starts to treat your wound. Whole time, you watch him in concern as he kept a sad look while treating your wound.

“Can you turn around?” Jungkook asks and you turn back, taking of your shirt while showing your bare back

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“Can you turn around?” Jungkook asks and you turn back, taking of your shirt while showing your bare back. “What did he hit you with?” he looks at you. “He hits me with whatever he gets" you bitterly scoff to yourself. “But it doesn't hurt anymore" you add.

"The thing is, I too used to have an abusive father but my mom always protected me. He was a drunkard too who always came home late and started to beat my mom in his drunk state. And it was me who always treated my mom's wound. So whenever I hear someone getting mistreated in their family, I don't know but it pains a lot” Jungkook explains while applying cream on your wound.

“Then one day my mom decided to divorce him as he was getting too violent. With that my mom worked super hard and brought us in this place. I don't like it when some men try to get close to my mom. That's the reason why I don't like Taehyung and his dad. This is stupid but yeah" he adds.

"Don't worry Taehyung's dad is not that type of man” “How can you be so sure?” Jungkook keeps the cream on the box as he finishes his job and you put on your shirt. “I grew up under his eyes. Him and Taehyung's mom loved me like I was their own daughter” you smile, remembering the childhood memories between you and Taehyung's.

“But what happened to Taehyung's mom?” Jungkook asks in curiosity. “I don't think I am allowed to share someone's private matter" you stand up and tuck your shirt inside the skirt. “Thanks, I owe you one" you then turn around and Jungkook wraps you in his sweater, your heart skips a bit for a fraction of second at his sudden gesture.

"It feels different when someone takes care of me" you wide your eyes when your tongue slips those word.

"Don't always keep everything to yourself. You should rely on someone" he buttons up the sweater. “Sounds weird when I hear this from other people” you laugh.

High school love [Taehyung × Jungkook]Where stories live. Discover now