Chapter 3: The day of the date

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G- I think your crazy, I dont wear make up
L- Well you will now, unless you dont want to, but you need to show Ethan what a lucky boy he is
G- Jeez fine
L- Yay
       The next day at school
L- So will you tell anyone
G- No, well not yet, I wanna see if the date is successful before I tell anyone anything
L- I feel so special for knowing all of this, well I have got the make up, so you need to tell Ethan to leave you for 15- 60 minutes for you to get ready
G- Jeez why so long?
L- Beauty takes time, I am gonna make up perfect
G- ok, but I dont know when to tell him so no one sees
L- True,.... how about when he waits for you just tell him to give you some time to get ready and make him wait, he will be so curious
G- Ok
For the rest of the day both Genevieve and Wthan were always looking at each other, a few times Ethan winked at Genevieve making suspicions within the friend group but Genevieve managed to find excuses so no one knows about her secret date, well except from one person, her beautiful, amazing, smart, absolutely creative, and kind and fashionable Lavender, which without everything would of falled apart and Genevieve would be panicking for her date. Once the lessons ended Genevieve let Ethan know about the change if plan which he was completely fine with.
After Lavender finished the make up
L- Ok now go get your man
Genevieve went out and she looked absolutely fabulous with lose curles, natural looking eyeshadow look, a thin long eyeliner a beautiful rose gold lips leaving Ethan speechless.
G- So what do you think
E- ...
                       TO BE CONTINUED

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