1. Who's that guy?

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After the events of last year, everyone's still enjoying basketball. Kuroko and the Generation of Miracles will never stop playing until they drop so there's no worry there and because of the friendship the main 5 had, their team mates also play together sometimes and specially the main 5 themselves play with Kagami or someone extra. 

Today is one of those days, Kuroko has arranged a meeting with Akashi to bring all 7 of them together today and he's already here at their designated reserved outdoor court. 

Kuroko pulled the dog treats away from Nigou's reach as the little puppy climb on his leg and barks excitedly asking for food. He keeps it away and looks down at Nigou with a smile. 

" Kurokocchi! " Kise's voice were first heard and Kuroko turns to them and the blonde immediately hugs Kuroko after he stood. With Kise is Akashi, Murasakibara and Midorima all holding their bags and in clothes for basketball. 

" Kisa-kun, Akashi-kun, Murasakibara-kun and Midorima-kun...Hello. " Kuroko greets simply but with a pleased face, Akashi nods his head as greeting. 

" Kurokocchi! Sorry for taking so long! Me and the other met up on the way here. Did Aominecchi and Kagamicchi arrive already? " Kise asks excitedly.

" No they didn't arrive yet. I was waiting for them too. Kagami-kun said that he'll be a bit late because of traffic. " Kuroko looks up to the blonde and Kise nods. 

" They should be more attentive when it comes to time nanodayo." Midorima says and sighs after sitting on the bench while holding a small statue of a person. It's his current lucky item for the day. 

" Ne Aka-chin, should we just wait for them here? That'd be boring. " The tall purple haired Murasakibara asked after chomping on his Maioubo. Akashi thought for a moment after bringing the barking Nigou on his arms. 

" Well there's no harm in checking the court we'll be using for today right? Let's go then. " The others nodded, it's not like the bench was that far away from the outdoor court. 

" Alright! " Kise cheers and placed his other arm over Kuroko's shoulders after all of them agreed to go. However. From a fair it's very clear that a person was playing on the court.

" I thought you reserved this place Kuroko?" Akashi asked, seeing how the lone unknown male soloing the court.

" I did, maybe they didn't know? " Kuroko asked.

" Well we can just ask them to leave–"

" Or we can talk to him?" Kise asks and points at the male. " He looks just our age!"

All of them stared at the white haired male  playing at the court. He's wearing a black oversized shirt that doesn't seem to be for basketball and a jogging pants along. Maybe he just stopped by? Was Kuroko thought. He seems pretty normal until suddenly the guy jumped.

He jumped off then as he was falling shot a formless shot similar to Aomine's. Then when he landed, he grabbed the ball again and bounced if off the court before wiping his sweat.

" Woah! Sweet moves for a guy our age right? Looks interesting let's go!" Kise points at the man. But before he could go to greet the unknown male, a group of scary looking old men stood inside the court.

" Oi Brat!" A grouch voice came from the group holding a basketball.

" Looks like a fight will happen..." Akashi mumbles. All of them stared at how the older men started threatening the guy their age. Kuroko was about to step in again but was interrupted by Kise. 

" You're going to do this the third time?? " Kise asks Kuroko worriedly. 

" If we don't do anything something bad will happen to him " Kuroko answers simply and Nigou barks in agreement.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 25, 2021 ⏰

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