Lucius comes home

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"Y/N come here please" narcissa shouts from downstairs

You run down the stairs and find her sitting on the couch with a letter in her hands

"Y/n it's about Lucius he's coming home today" she says with panick in her face
"It'll be ok" you tell her
"Well just say I'm having a tough time at home and came to stay the Christmas holidays with you and Draco" you explain
"Yeah that'll work,but if your staying over Christmas you'll have to have something to wear to the Christmas party"
"I'll take you shopping over the weekend just me and you ok" she says resting a hand on your shoulder
You both hurry and sort the house for Lucius arrival.

*2 hours later there's a knock on the door*
You go to answer the door you take a deep breath and there he is standing at the door is Lucius malfoy, he looked you up and down and sneered
"And who are you may I ask"
"Y/n sir" you say putting out you hand for him to shake he just walks past you into the house
"We're is the women" he asks you
You spin around knowing exactly who he is talking about but shocked the amount of respect he has for her
"I'm sorry, who"
"My wife obviously" he says sharply
"I'm sorry sir I don't know" as you say this he spins around and raises his hand and slaps you across the face.
"Useless honestly" he says you still taken back by the fact he just hit you
"Well don't just stand there go and get her" he says to you

"Off course sorry sir" you walk off to go find narcissa who's in the garden.
"Narcissa, oh there you are your joyful husbands here he's in the living room"you say sarcastically.
She laughs and makes her way inside you follow her you choose not to tell her about Lucius hitting you.

"Lucius" she says and drops her knees into a curtesy.
You stand there looking confused why does she have to do that
"Take my bags to my room would you" and chucks his bags at you and narcissa she manages to stop one just before it hits you.
You both walk upstairs to his office and place the bags on his chair.

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