Chapter 2

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When Ed woke you went over to his bed and sat next to him. He looked at you but said nothing. "Hey Ed how are you feeling?"

Ed looked at you confused "Oh yes. Ed. I am in pain" you smiled. The morphine must still be affecting him. "When can I leave the hospital?" he asked plainly.

"now if you wish. But you will need to have a nurse to do shopping, cooking etc because you can't do it yourself" you said. "For at least 6 weeks"  Ed sighed and tapped his fingers. "You are very lucky to have no lasting effects to your fall" you said. "Well apart from chronic back pain" 

"Then I wish to be discharged" Ed said. You nodded and got the paperwork. You then got to the problem of a nurse for him. You looked up at him. "You wish for a nurse who is free or have you got a preference?" you ask

"Well you already seem to be looking after me more than your rota decrease" Ed muttered. 

"So you want me to be your nurse?" Ed shrugged so you put down your name. Hans was so bored. He really wanted to go back to Germany and restart his organisation, maybe targeting a bank without a betc Rambo spoiling his plans. He hated going by Ed and having to keep his accent off show, he knew he would need to die his hair and beard. He loved his dark brooding hair, it made him look refined and he got attention from ladies. The only attention he seemed, however, to be pulling was a cute and nice nurse who if she knew what he had done the night they met would distance herself.

You came back in and smiled. "The ambulance is here to pick you up" you said.

You looked at the list which Ed wanted you to buy. Blond hair dye, chocolate, wine, art supplies, something called Zupfkuchen. you looked up at him. "What is Zupfkuchen?" you ask.

"Its a cake" he said. "I am sure somewhere will have it" You nodded. "Well I will be back in an hour" you said, walking out the door and locking it. Hans got up from the bed, growling in pain and walked towards his phone. He had bought this flat as a backup in case everything went wrong. It meant it had a phone to contact any of his fellow conspirators. He tried each one and there was nothing.  He threw the phone against the wall and went back to bed. He half wished he had died on that fall, so he didn't need to go through the pain it was giving him. Because there was nothing to do here he had started to draw more. He used to be at art school in Germany until he was thrown out for not going to lessons. Hans forgot how much he enjoyed drawing and looked at the sketch that he had made of the other side of the room. Maybe he could set himself up as some kind of artist. It would be easy and less stressful than being a robber. As he considered this his pain went down, especially the pain in his head which he had always had, he had put it down to stress and now the pain was dying down as he became less stressed. He shook his head and sighed, what was he going to do, Stay here or go back to Germany?

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 24, 2021 ⏰

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