ii. Help

365 33 16

Toni Mahfud as Arun Saleh

♡❀˖⁺. ༶ ⋆˙⊹❀♡

You're back.

 Arun's mind-link was overwhelming, and Jax groaned in discomfort.

"That's a dead sea ape, a djinn is a giant responsible for creating many geographical features in Japan. "

Sarai's laughter resounded in the car, easing the dull ache in Jax's head from being out for an unknown amount of time. He tried to get his bearings, but his body was still groggy, the sweet scent of his wife's arousal only adding to his disorientation.

Arun looked over, a glint of amusement in his eyes as the heady scent of her arousal flooded Jax's senses, jolts of desire pulsing through his veins.


Jax grumbled, shifting in his seat trying to ignore the heat pooling in his nether regions, his frustrated absolutely feral, near demonic desire for his wife.

Desperate was a pitiful understatement...

He gritted his teeth and rolled down the window, desperately trying to regain control of his body. Arun must have sensed his struggle because he sent a wave of compulsion through the mind-link, easing Jax's cravings and allowing some clarity, for his impending lecture. 

"You need to get fucked." Arun softly mumbled before turning his gaze to the rear-view mirror with a soft smile and sing-songing "Guess who's back with the living." to their captive, her mirth cut short at the realization that Jax was awake now, smile slipping from her lush thick lips the minute their gazes locked in the rear-view mirror.

Sarai held her chin up haughtily, trying to steel herself against Jax, more indignant than scared as he clung to the growing urge to seethe, preferable to begging.

"I'm cold!" Sarai's pout interrupted,

Heartless really...

"We're almost there." It's Arun that assures her as he pulls the car over with a flick of his gaze at Jax. "You'll be in dry clothes in no time." 

They both step out, "Before we discuss how you managed to hoodwink me into abducting your own wife, who despises you and can see the underworld..." Arun began, sure that Sarai couldn't overhear them through the mind link as he threw the car keys at Jax who could only bare his teeth in frustration

"Later." He grumbled, making his way to the driver's seat

 It was a new detail for his "Sarai pamphlet", a compilation of things he hadn't known about his human wife that had made it difficult to keep his non-human identity a secret from her. He numbly reminded himself to add the fact that she can somehow tell it's him even when he's shape-shifted into someone else. Arun sighed tightly, shooting a skeptical side-eye at Jax but returned to the passenger's seat anyway. Quietly, they set off towards the secluded lake house in a blink, but it wasn't the right one.

"Are you sure about this?" Arun asked softly, staring at the lakefront cabin with muted apprehension.

"It's the safest place for her," Jax countered, not entirely convinced himself.

"She'll be better off with me than with you," Arun retorted, voicing the cruelly obvious, a twinge of jealousy flamed inside Jax as if to prove that he truly couldn't control himself around his wife.

Deep down, he acknowledged Arun was the better-qualified protector, possessing the training and skills required to keep her safe. He could shield her from Jax...

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