Glory, Unity, Majesty

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A fog lay over the battlefield as the two armies squared off against one another. To the east stood King Hrothgar and his loyal Viking army, and to the west the Lich King and his undead horde. Hrothgar stood at the head of his army, next to him stood Thorvald his most loyal warrior and friend.
"This ends today." Said Hrothgar "The Lich will die again!"
With that Thorvald raised his sword and let out a mighty roar "For Hrothgar!"
A thunderous anthem of battle cries rose as Hrothgar's men charged the field. Hrothgar himself stayed behind and watched from where he stood. The army caused a mighty earthquake as they took the field when all at once they stopped. A shudder went through the very ground it self. Thorvald himself seemed confused at the tremor. Sword and shield in hand he watched with disdain as the Lich King raised his skeletal hands and poured black magic over the land itself. The tremors stopped as all at once hundreds of undead skeletons emerged from the earth armed for battle and wearing armor. With only a breath of hesitation Thorvald struck first. The battle erupted at once as no undead could stand in Thorvald's way.
With the Hrothgar's army distracted the Lich called the rest of his ghostly legion down on the battle. With one mighty hurl Thorvald flung his shield into the first charging ghoul he saw. From his back he drew a mighty axe and hacked his way towards the Lich himself. But as the horde grew thick around him, the biking gritted and barred his rune-carved teeth which began to glow like torch light. From his glowing maw he let loose a gout of fire and set the horde ablaze. Upon seeing this Hrothgar took action. Like his warrior brother he also had runes upon his teeth. As he made his way towards the battle they glowed as he morphed into a great red dragon. He took to the sky and flew directly at the Lich himself. As he landed he took human form again and faced his foe down. The Lich used the Morgue Blade, a sword that prevented its victims souls from passing into the next world. The thing itself wore a ragged cloak over its decrepit body. Upon his hooded head he wore a crown of antlers, an attempt to look like a noble stag. Hrothgar clad in Crimson Armor and the mighty Horned Dragon Crown upon his brow, wielded the Nether Peak Blade which froze his enemies in an icy fire. As the battle raged below, the two kings clashed steel.
After a grueling struggle to climb to wear the two kings fought. Upon seeing Hrothgar struggling he looked to the sky and smiled.
"Hrothgar!" He bellowed "Odin smiles on us!"
After yelling his news to his friend Thorvald kneeled in prayer. With one mighty push Hrothgar knocked the Lich back and did the same. Both Warriors were surrounded by a scarlet haze. As the Lich King struck he found he could not pierce the aura around them. When at last they stood the haze remained. The gods had bestowed the Berserker Rage upon them. All at once they both let loose a battle cry that seemed to split the clouds in the sky. Hrothgar went high while Thorvald went low as they cleaved the Lich in three. As his head a torso hit the ground so to did the undead horde beneath them. A sharp crack pierced the air as Thorvald crushed the Lich's sword beneath his boot and released the souls trapped within.
Looking down on the field of warriors both dead and living Hrothgar made a speech.
"For Odin and the gods of Asgard."
"Glory." His men replied.
"For us as a kingdom and a people."
"Unity." They replied.
"For us as men, and warriors, and as kings of the battlefield."
"Majesty." They replied.
For many years afterword and through the continuation of his blood line Hrothgar and his men would never fade from memory, but would grow in legend and fame. But that is a different story.

The End

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 07, 2015 ⏰

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