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There wasn't a part of Daisy's body that wasn't in agonizing pain as she lied on the rooftop of the Transia building.

It was getting to the point where even the air was getting hard to breathe and not just because she probably injured her ribs in one way or another. The billboard was on fire, and the ash was falling everywhere, causing the air to be filled with smoke. Daisy blinked up at the orange flames, trying to stay awake. She was slightly aware that she probably had a concussion as well, so she knew that staying awake was really important, but she could feel her body giving out quickly.

She looked over to Charles. Charles Hinton: the man that saved her, but she couldn't save him. She figured the next best thing would be to protect his daughter, Robin, from harm. It would be most likely that the little girl was inhuman too. Charles had expressed his fear that she would inherit his power of seeing the future, of seeing people in pain. Though it was never clear whether or not kids inherit the same exact power as their inhuman parents, Daisy didn't, she knew that she would do whatever it took to make sure that little girl got the help she needed when the time came.

Daisy coughed as the smoke began to become too much. Every cough she let out, the pain would shoot through different parts of her body. She prayed that someone was coming to get her soon. It was then when she heard the door to the rooftop open. 

"Daisy!" a voice called out. She opened her eyes to see that Lincoln was bent over her, worry showing in his eyes. 

"Lincoln," she coughed out. She noticed that his face wasn't covered entirely in blood, but there was blood on the outside of his face. She also noticed the scratch on his forehead. "Your... head."

"Don't worry about me. It was just a small scratch," Lincoln assured her. "That small scratch did cause all that blood though. Don't worry, I did wipe most of it off using my sleeve."

She felt slight pressure against her neck as Lincoln checked her pulse. He hissed out a curse, apparently not being fond of the result. Daisy chuckled uncharacteristically for the circumstance. "Do you talk to your mother with that mouth?"

Lincoln looked at her with confusion before shaking his head, blaming it on her concussion. Daisy's eyes began to droop closed, but he shook her. "No, no, Daisy. You have to stay awake. Come on, Dais, stay with me."

Lincoln finally got a hold of someone on comms, telling them that Daisy was deteriorating and needed med evac immediately. After a couple more minutes, Lincoln figured it probably would've been quicker if he had just rushed her down the entire building himself, but he feared moving her and not getting her to medical attention in time before she crashed.

"I couldn't..." Daisy began. "I couldn't save him." Tears began to fall from her eyes.

Lincoln wiped the tears from her face. "It's okay, Daisy. This isn't your fault. Who did this to you?"

"Gideon Malick. He had this armor... thing. It gave him, like, super strength... or something. He beat me. He was about to kill me before Charles touched him."

"Malick saw a vision of the future? Someone's death?"

Daisy nodded. "Then he choked Charles, which killed him."

Daisy's eyes began to fall again. Lincoln shook her again. "They're almost here, Daisy. Just hang in there a little longer. Please."

Thankfully, the quinjet made its way to the top of the Transia building. Coulson was the one who rushed out to them.

"Simmons is ready for her!" he shouted. "Is she..."

"She's alive," Lincoln stated. "She most likely has a concussion and her heart rate is weak and erratic. She said Malick beat her wearing this machine thing, so she probably has several other injuries."

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