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Gio and I had actually become friends, unexpected but ended up being a good thing. The 18 year old living in the apartment above mine spent more time at mine than at his at this point and his teammates were already complaining at the fact he was spending more time with me than them.

You see, we lived in the same building and the fact I actually had another friend in the city where I knew two people helped me give the couple more space, even though they complained about not having me third wheeling them I was more than happy to do that only a few times a week now rather than almost everyday like I used to.

As I said, Gio had quickly become my little brother/partner in crime and we would find the most random things to do. Right now, our favorite activities were for Gio to teach me how to play football - which it wasn't going completely south but also wasn't going amazing - and PS5. Clearly both of them were his idea but I could use something different than what I normally would do... That doesn't mean I was good at doing them.

- Giovanni, I can't believe you convinced me to do this - I said staring at the entrance of Erling Haaland's house, or today, the house where the BVB players were having a few FIFA matches.

- I need support, plus, if Sancho loses you can make fun of him - He smiled back at me and I rolled my eyes

- You know she'll do anything for that to happen - Jude said laughing at me making me agree.

Jude Bellingham also one of the babies of their team, the kid is 17 years old and I just simply couldn't hate him when I first met him at the american footballer place, so now I kinda try to teach him the language and help the brit get adapted to a new country.

- I can't believe what my eyes are seeing - Erling said making a joke after seeing me outside of his door and I laughed saying hi to him before following Gio, who promised to not leave me alone if I came with them. - Guys, behave, we have a special guest!

- Oh hell no. - Jadon said and I smirked at him

- Don't worry, I didn't prepare any remarks for when you lose, but I'll make sure to come up with a few that will make my presence in here worth it - I said quickly

- Ok, you two are going to behave - Gio said pulling me to the couch where Julian was also seating at leaving me in between the two

- He's the issue. And shut up, you're a child - I said pointing at Giovanni

- One thing we'll agree, you're the child Gio, so let the grown ups deal with this - Jadon said and I laughed

- By grown ups I'm sure you mean myself, because you're not that far away from being a child - I said sarcastically

- May someone inform her that I'm older than her? - He asked annoyed seeing some of the players looking amused at our discussion

- May someone inform him that age is just a number and maturity doesn't come with it? - I shot back - Now can you guys start this already? I wanna know who's going to win.

- Are you playing? - Hazard asked me with a controller and I denied

- Absolutely not, I will lose easily - I said to him seeing him chuckle

- Trust me, she's not kidding - Gio said with Jude agreeing with him

I was tired of watching them play FIFA during the entire day but I definitely couldn't deny that I had fun, seeing them bicker like little kids while some of them are 30 was quite the funny sight. Of course my banter with Jadon wasn't cut short but I tried to ignore him as much as I possible could but I couldn't stay quiet to a few of the provocations he made after winning a game.

Now the championship was over with Jude as the winner which was extremely funny and had resulted in some jokes as that was his first championship with the team and he had already secured the win.

Now the discussion about what they would do to celebrate Emre Can and Axel Witsel's birthday, discussion which I kept myself out of it since it was none of my business.

- What do you think Mel? - I was asked which made me take my attention off my phone and focus on them

- Sorry, I wasn't paying attention - I said smiling embarrassed 

- We were discussing if it was better to do the party at one of the boy's house or at a restaurant/club or something - Mats explained and I nodded

- Not in the house, it will be a mess the other day, even if you hire people to clean it you'll still be in a mess for a few hours - I said - Plus, god knows how you guys are going to be acting so might as well prevent any damage to the houses, I doubt your wives would like that.

- I mean you can keep us in check, but I think you're right. - Axel said with Emre agreeing

- You're coming right? - Emre said looking at me and I had no idea what to answer him but Gio was quicker

- Of course, I need my babysitter - He joked and I rolled my eyes - Although she might need one if there's alcohol involved

- It was one time for god's sake - I defended myself seeing the players laugh at the confession Gio just made about me - But yes, if you guys want me to go I'll go.

- Perfect, let's do it on Sunday the 10th, two days before - Axel said and everyone agreed with me resting my head at Gio's shoulders since I was getting pretty tired from the early morning I had. 

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