chapter 11 - its not always just fun and games

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Y/n's pov

I was so grateful to be spending all this time with the Weasley's. They adore each other so much even when they say they get on each others nerves.

Me and Ron eventually started heading downstairs to join everybody for breakfast. We got downstairs and see everyone opening presents Molly had made for them and the twins arguing about who the better twin was, as always.

"Y/n dear? Come join us, you haven't opened what I got you yet" Molly said as she gave me a medium sized looking box that had beautiful red ribbons tied to it.

"Mrs. Weasley, you really didn't need to-"

"Oh stop it y/n, you've helped me so much throughout the years and someone's finally making sure Ron's not getting into any trouble. This is a thank you, dear. Now open it already" Molly said giving me a big smile while rubbing my back.

I looked over at Ron and he was trying not to smile, but he was never really good at hiding things. I could tell that he loves when me and Molly are laughing with each other. He's a "momma's boy" even when he acts like he's annoyed by everything, his smile always pops up eventually because well he loves the attention.

I returned a smile back to Molly and started undoing the gorgeous ribbons. I slowly opened the lid of the box and found inside was a dark green jumper with the first letter of my name on it.

Next thing you know I'm giving Molly the biggest hug ever.

"Thank you" I whispered in her ear.

She released from the hug, held onto my cheek and gave me a warm smile. Molly's like a mother to me, since mine isn't around. It's not like she's dead or anything, but she never tries to talk to me let alone see me.

Molly eventually walked away and Ron came up to hug me.

"I guess we have matching jumpers now huh?" Ron said rolling his eyes and chuckling.

"Ron, we are so taking pictures later" I said breaking the hug and now laughing at how annoyed he was.

Later during the day it was just me and Ginny catching up with Hermione in the room that we all share for a couple hours while all the boys were doing something stupid downstairs like always. Hermione didn't say much about her parents. She just kept saying how awkward it was between them all and it just wasn't the same as when she was a child.

"You know what we should do?" Hermione said with her head in my lap while I played with her hair, sitting on the soft carpet in Ginny's room.

"What should we do 'Mione?" Ginny said as she laid on her bed fidgeting with her hands.

"Well, I brought veritaserum so we could play an old fashion game of truth or dare" Hermione got excited super quickly.

We all used to play truth or dare all the time in third and fourth year. In fourth year we had dared Fred and George to spend the night in the Forbidden Forest. They were angry at us for a few days, but of course they got over it. The twins swear they saw "ghosts".

"That's a brilliant idea Hermione" We see Harry say as he stood in the doorway of his sisters room. He was probably listening to that whole conversation knowing him.

Me and Ginny agreed to playing and we all headed downstairs.

"Good evening love. What're we doing today?" Ron says to me while trying to focus on his game of Wizards Chess against George.

"Well we all agreed to play truth or dare with veritaserum so get ready" Ginny says as she hands everyone a drink with alcohol and some of the serum in it.

Ron immediately makes eye contact with Ginny "Yeah all right, sounds fun I guess"

Everyone sits down on the warm carpet of their living room floor making a big circle.

"Alright I say 'Mione goes first since she brought the serum" Fred said winking at Hermione.

"Hm...alright then. Harry truth or dare?" Hermione said.

"...Dare" Harry said confidently.

"Alright, well I dare you to make a snow angel outside with your shirt off"

Without hesitation Harry quickly took off his shirt and opened the door that leads outside.

You could easily see Harry laying in the snow through the living room window. Everyone laughed at how confident Harry was, especially when he came back inside complaining how freezing cold it was.

"Alright...George you can go next" Hermione says looking at him with her regular gorgeous warm smile.

"Thanks 'Mione. I think I'll go with Ron. Truth or dare brother?" George said giving Ron a devilish smile.

"Truth, I have nothing to hide" Ron took his cup and took a sip making a disgusted face because of the taste.

"Alright, well I've always wanted to know this, but did you and Harry ever do anything sexual? Since you guys are with each other every single day of every second" George said super happy with himself for asking that.

Honestly, I was super surprised with the question considering George is with Fred every single day of every second, but I've always wanted to know the answer to this. George looked over at me and I gave him the "its okay" nod.

Harry was probably the most shocked, it was pretty obvious by the way he put his hand over Ron's mouth to shut him up.

"I need to hear this!" I said giggling and removing Harry's hand from Ron's mouth.

"Me and Harry kissed. But only because Harry was confused about how he felt for Cedric and I was just helping him understand better? I don't know.....sorry Harry" Ron said super quickly in regret.

Everyone's mouth fell open and we all just sat there in silence for a while. Harry eventually got up and left the room to go upstairs.

I got up and chased after him.

I ended up in the boys room with Harry pacing back and forth.

"Harry is there anything I can do I-" I said fidgeting with my fingers not knowing what to do for him.

"No! There's nothing you can do y/n because he's gone!" Harry started to tear up a little bit, but tried not to show it.

Silence fell in the room and I quickly walked up to Harry pulling him to a tight hug.

"I'm so sorry Harry. It'll be alright and I promise you that" I said messing around with his hair.

"I liked him y/n. I really did. Then he was just gone....and I couldn't do anything about it"

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