Chapter Seven

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It had been a few days since the BU game and going out to dinner with Trevor. I had a few classes the days in between, did some work, and filmed a few youtube videos to edit and post. Trevor and I had been talking about the most random stuff over snap but i haven't seen him since. He had hockey in the morning and an away game yesterday which he got back late from. Gretchen and Max were having there house party tonight and Maggie and I were going to get something to wear for it in the meantime. I still didn't know if Trevor was going but I decided to wait and see. I picked out some Artiza mom jeans with black heels and a black crop top. Fancy but casual. We had a few hours before we were going to Gretchen's. Maggie and I would probably be late knowing we always take a long time to get ready. We had gotten home from being out and we had a workout scheduled with our trainer so we headed over to that and got a quick workout in before tonight. I always felt so refreshed after them and I love the feeling of knowing I was able to push myself. I got home and showered making sure to shave my legs and moisturize after i got out. It was getting closer to when we had to leave. I had been snapping Trevor all day and he had hockey this morning and was hanging out with a few of his teammates throughout the day. I deep down wished he would be there. I had put my phone down a while ago to get ready because I was starting to run behind.

"Emma hurry up we need to get going soon!" Maggie yelled from her room.

"I'm getting ready right now" I yell back

I had my playlist playing through a speaker in my bathroom. I had blow dried my hair and make sure it was all straight and put on my outfit that I had picked out earlier. I was doing a more makeup then usual, adding a little foundation bronzer, highlighter, and mascara. I looked very put together and I love how I looked. I was only about 5'7 with my heels on but still pretty tall however I didn't mind. I finished putting on makeup and put some perfume on to top it off. I walked into the kitchen and Maggie was waiting for me. I grabbed a quick jacket just for the walk since it was only about a 10 minute walk from our apartment.

"Let's get going we are late again" Maggie says

"hold on let my grab my phone" I say quickly as i'm trying to run in heels to get my phone that i left in the bathroom. I grab it and shove it into my back pocket and we head out the door.

"Do you know who's going?" I ask Maggie

"are you hoping Trevor will be there?" she says in a flirty tone.

"Nooo I just wanted to know who was going to be there" I say while blushing

"I'm sure you didn't" Maggie says while laughing. "But I don't know who's going except a few of our friends and Max's but I'm assuming more are going because Gretchen bought a lot of food" She says

"We will just see who's there when we get there" I reply back

We continue to walk there but its hard to keep up with Maggie because of the heels im wearing. We finally arrive at her apartment complex 30 minutes late of course. Gretchen always knows we are late so it doesn't worry me.

"Hurry Emma let's get upstairs" Maggie says as we enter the elevator. We walk down the hall and open the door to her apartment. I could tell even before entering there was a lot of people in there  and I could here faint music playing in the background. We walk in and heads immediately turn towards us. I notice a few of the hockey boys and few of our friends from college. However i couldn't see who was in the back of Gretchen's apartment

"Maggie Emma!" Gretchen says yelling towards us and hugging us

"hey!! yes there's a lot of people here" Maggie says

"yeah we invited a lot of people" Gretchen says excited.

I spot Kat talking to one of the hockey boys and i make my way over to her.

"Kat!" I say

"Emma you're here!!" She says hugging me

"Yeah i was running a little late" I say

"Look to your left" Kat says smirking.

I look over on the couch and I see Trevor and his roommate sitting talking to each other and laughing

"very funny Kat" i say blushing

"Go talk to him!!" she says pushing me over to him.

Trevor eventually looks over to where I was and we make direct eye contact. He gets up and walks towards me

"Look who decided to show up finally" He says while standing in front of Kat and I

"Hello to you Zegras" I say back smiling at him.

"I told him you were coming" Kat says squealing

I let out a laugh as she walks away

"enjoying yourself?" I question

"Now that your here yes" he says

There was a lot of people in Gretchen's apartment for this tiny space but hey I mean why not.

"Hey in thirsty let's go get something to drink" I say pulling Trevor along with me

"Yes Mam" he says with a little laugh

We try and push our way into the kitchen. There was mostly alcohol sitting on the counter and a few juices to mix. Trevor looks at me as I grab the cranberry juice and pour it into a glass and then take a little bit of alcohol and pour it into it also.

"Wow Emma taking a drink, this seems rare" He says jokingly as he wraps his arm around my shoulder and pulls me closer as a few of his hockey friends walk over to us

"Ay What's up Z" they say to him and they do there little bro moments.

"Who's this fine women of yours" one of them says pointing to me

I try and hold on my laugh as i see Trevor blushing and smiling

"This is Emma Macdonald boys" he says

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 25, 2021 ⏰

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