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Now we need to change!

Jimin helped me add a little bit of makeup as we did some last finishing touches. "We'll change backstage for the performance and damn the outfits to leave the awards show are a little extra but we love it" Jimin said as I nodded in agreement. Suga then called me "Are you ready? Me and the guys are almost there." "Yeah, we're ready!" I said excitedly and turned to Jimin "Suga's almost here! Did you pack the other outfits?" I asked "Yep! Everything is ready" He said excitedly so we headed out and waited and Suga wasn't lying when he said they were close because seconds after we came out the black car arrived and we entered. 

Everyone looked so hot- I was kind of feeling insecure about my outfit... I entered the vehicle and sat beside Jimin since he beat me to sitting next to Suga. I looked around the car and I was surprised since Tae wasn't driving the car for once and instead, he was talking with Jungkook and Kihyun while Namjoon sat beside him awkwardly. I heard some small talk to my left so of course it was Jimin and Suga but I don't know why I felt so bothered by it... Most of the way there I looked out the window causing some neck pain from having my head still in one direction. I suddenly heard some shuffling beside me and I turned to look and Jimin was on Suga's lap...?

I wanted to jump out of the car but then I noticed that he wasn't sitting on his lap..! Jimin moved over him so Suga could scoot over... Now I was facing Suga wide-eyed "Hey baby" he whispered in my ear and at first I wanted to yell at him but instead, I automatically smiled at him as he put his hand on my thigh "Hi..." I said shyly as he gave me his gummy smile. 'This feels very...awkward... He blows me a kiss and now he smiles at me. Wait why is he even here? Why did he decide to come along with me? Was it just to see the performances or to actually see me perform? Suga is really confusing me now...' I furrowed my eyebrows in thought and felt a tap on my shoulder and I looked back and it was Namjoon.

"Hey talk to me, man. It's so awkward for me here..." I saw Namjoon pout for the first time "Yea alri-" "Don't talk to him" Suga interrupted as he flipped Namjoon off "Hey..! I wanted to talk to him..." I whined and mouthed "Sorry" to Namjoon "Then talk to me," Suga said "I just don't know what to talk about with you..." I fidgeted with my fingers and bit my lip "I guess... Well, are you excited about going on the red carpet and performing?" He asked looking genuinely interested in what I would say "Of course I am! I love to dance and I get to perform in a big crowd,  get recognized!, AND I get to be on the red carpet!" I squealed as I saw him slightly chuckle "I'm glad you're happy" his voice sounded calm and sincere causing me to blush.

"WOOOO Guys we're HERE!!!!" Taehyung yelled making us all look through the window and there were so many people, paparazzi, and artists coming out from cars and getting their pictures taken. "Alright we'll be getting off now," Suga said as the car slowly stopped in front of a red carpet. I felt my palms sweaty and I was nervous since I was the last one to get in I would be the first to go out 'Alright Hoseok you got this. Get all the confidence you have and just be yourself' I took in slow breaths and then the car door opened.

 My right foot out dragging the rest of my body out, I put my hands in my pockets and walked out stretching my legs out more making them look longer. My eyes trying their best not to close at the flashes from the cameras and I turned to look back at the car and I saw cute smiles fade to hot serious faces 'damn the duality' I thought. Once we were all grouped we followed the carpet and made it to the area where they take pictures "Oh look there's the singer I told you guys I sponsor. I'll go call him over" We all turned to see where Suga was heading as we waited until others were done with their photos.  Suga came back with a taller figure behind him and when I tell you I felt like I saw an angel I'm not lying... "Hello! I'm Kim Seokjin it's a pleasure to meet you all!" said the tall man who had a perfect face. "The pleasure is ours!" suddenly Namjoon spoke up which made us all have a confused facial expression since he had been quiet the whole time except for now.

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