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she dances with midnight shadows, lacing her webs, slicing her retributions until theres nothing left but the lamentable caterwaul of cowardice pleads.

she wants to end him, to grow maudlin on his demise, to drown in the perpetual notion of murderous rhapsodies.

nemesis is swimming in antipathy, looking for the saccharine taste of reprisal.

she wants his head on a silver platter.
she wants the dark lord dead.

the preeminence of lord voldemort propelled the world into the clouds of chaos, the streets growing dim, the walls of reality burning to ash as shadows choke you into submissiveness. the order is falling desperate, the death of harry potter a poison in the bloodstream of their pursuits and a growing fear of quietus is beginning to suffocate the rebellion. but there is talk of an assassin with bane sullied daggers that execute you in the penumbras, a spider catching you in her web, a monster under your bed.

hire an assassin to do your dirty work and you might just be trapped. nemesis doesn't conform—after all, darkness doesn't have a shape, its just an impenetrable obscurity.

you'll get lost in it, you'll get lost in her.



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i. tom riddle
ii. albus dumbledore
iii. parson kage
iv. bellatrix lestrange
v. abraxas malfoy
vi. theodore black


i.  moment's  silence; hozier   ii. talk; hozier
iii. beautiful crime; tamer iv. mr. sandman;
syml     v.  i  wanna  be yours;   artic  monkeys
vi.   angel  of  small  death  &  the  codeine
scene;  hozier    vii.  savior  complex; phoebe
bridgers        viii.    wires;    the    neighborhood 
ix. all for us; labrinth x. persephone; tamino


i. this is (cross my fingers) a story set in both the harry potter era and tom riddle era.
ii. best read: dark mode, baskerville, second smallest size font.
iii. dedicated to: murderarts illiicitaffairs iimplicitt  lilacwine-  liliiferr  ultraviiolence- thesehunprint sunkinqs 
for inspiring me and supporting me through all my chaos
iv. for the purpose of this book, tom isn't that no nose bastard... he still looks like the fine ass man he is. the horcruxes he's made has not affected his appearance, just strictly his demeanor and emotions. (or lack there of)
v. IM BACK!!

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