Bambi Gets Mail

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I had to move back with mom and dad and Ashley, mom has been trying to get hold of me about a letter from Elizabeth Abrams attorney. Phil Jacobs has asked for a meeting with me as soon as possible concerning William Abrams will. I call him and he says that Will made provisions for me and Ashley and it should have started a long time ago. George Abrams held it up, by blocking Will from using his money and Elizabeth just recently found out about her granddaughter and how George had known about my pregnancy and reused to give Will his rightful inheritance.
Phil Jacobs
Elizabeth hired me away from George and I don't mind a bit. I was her attorney first. She plans on getting everything straightened out before she divorces George. We found a lot of documents and a copy of DNA testing that show that  Ashley Shoemaker is William Abrams daughter. Then we find a doctored DNA test stating she isn't his. Then his trust funds age of release was doctored along with wills doctored. I have the original trust and wills documents. I put them in a lock box and gave Elizabeth and George copies as well.
I want this taken care of and now. I want to meet the girl and my granddaughter as soon as possible. This says she's a year old now. I want her to know that I had no idea and if I had I would have been there for her. Find out what she needs and get it for her now. I want to meet both of them soon.
Three days later Bambi Shoemaker, her parents and her daughter Ashley all arrive at the Abrams home. A child friendly room awaits them after they are escorted through a beautiful entryway and into a living room and into the room. Ashley is wanting down to play with all the toys.
I introduce myself and then Phil and Bambi introduces herself , her parents and then Ashley who has became interested in a doll. She looks just like William. I explain that Phil will be helping with probate on Williams will  and then helping with the trust funds. We have the real DNA test and we would hope you would consider adding William to Ashley's birth certificate as her father.
Edward Shoemaker
You know I don't know how I feel about a that after everything your husband put us all through. And now he is being tried for being responsible for multiple murders including his own son.
She wouldn't have to go by the Abrams name at all. I believe that Elizabeth thinks it would make it easier for Ashley and Bambi to get the trust funds and Williams estate. I lean forward and show Bambi and her parents the documents and then I explain what will happen next. Elizabeth wants to know if you would allow her to see Ashley and if you and Ashley need anything at all.
I can't make it up to you, but I can make sure you get Williams inheritance and the insurance along with what he left you in his will. Had I known what was going on I would have stopped it then. George was good at covering things up including his own sons death.
Fiona Shoemaker
I think we can work something out about visiting Ashley, but at a place of our choosing and a time as well. I take care of Ashley while Bambi works. So you will need my phone number and we will work something out.
I appreciate that, now for the trust funds and the will. I want to set up a trust fund for Ashley if that okay with all of you.?
Well she could use things now and it gets quite expensive. She outgrows clothes fast.
Oh that can be resolved easily and we have checks for Bambi now so she can buy a home and a nicer car for Ashley's safety. The insurance is for ten million dollars and his trust is over fifteen million dollars. His home needs to be cleaned and I would change the codes and all the locks on his home. His cars and his boats are in storage at this point. We can take you and show all of you the home, the cars and the boats if you wish. Phil here will be handlings all the legal transfers and the checks.
I have three checks and waiting on more and then there's the safe deposit box he has left you. The keys to his cars are in his home along with his boat keys. Do you have any questions?
What about the tax issues on any of these items. How much will it costs to transfer to Bambi and Ashley?
It won't cost much more than the actual transfer fees and that is about the biggest cost involved.
a Helen starts crying so I jump up to find out why she is crying. She got hurt on the rocking chair as it overturned with her in it. I pick her up and set the rocker back upright. She smiles and points back at it and wiggles down to go back to rocking in it. Typical child to want to try again after being hurt.
Are any of you hungry? I have lunch cooking in the kitchen right now if you are.
I think that would be nice and then we can all go look at everything and Bambi can make educated Dacia out what to do about everything.
I agree with that idea and Ashley can have fun looking at the cars and boats. Plus we can check out the safe deposit box as well if we go there first it would be better I believe.
I think that is probably for the best.
A month later I am now welcome to visit Ashley often and she knows I am her nana 2 as she calls me. Bambi is going back for her design degree and she has moved into Williams home which had a nursery already for his baby. Her mom and dad moved into the home with her. They sold their home and her dad is looking over the cars and boast assuring they are safe. He hired security guards for them as well. I am spending Christmas with them all this year. Gia Matteo attempted to visit but Bambi refused to allow her on the property. She said that Gia is a go,d digger and she wants nothing to do with her even though they are related.

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