Writing Prompt #1

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Writing Prompt:
She stared at him, holding her favorite teddy bear in one hand and his pistol in the other.

"Hi Dad," she whispered.

He looked at her with fear in his eyes, unsure of what her next move would be. She stared back at him with a grin on her face, watching the fear make him tense his body.

"Don't worry, Dad. This will be quick."

He hears the smile and slight sarcasm in her voice, but tries to keep his composure as he keeps his eyes on the gun in her hands. She drops the teddy bear and begins to move closer to him, getting a better grip on the pistol with both hands. She takes slow strides and keeps her eyes focused on the continuously changing emotions that flash across her father's face. Eventually, she is standing in front of her father with the gun pointed at his chest.

She leans over and whispers into his ear, "I should hurt you the way you hurt me and my mother, but that would be too lenient. Instead, I'm going to just have a little fun with you...until you bleed out."

Her father begins to eventually breathe quicker, thinking that her statement meant that he was in for the worst torture imaginable. It turned out that he was right. His daughter pulled out a switchblade and placed the pistol onto the barn floor where they were, without taking her eyes off of her scared father.

Her scared father looked at her and said, "I didn't mean to do it. The voices told me to..."

She leans over, smiling, and says, "If that were true, you would have tried to fight against it. You would've taken your medication that you were prescribed. There was something in you that wanted to commit those deviant acts. You don't care anything about me or my mother. You only care about yourself, but I'm gonna show you how your actions can affect your future."

Rose, being her father's daughter, began to re-enact all of the heinous acts that her father committed against her mother and herself.

"You remember when Mom told you not to go to that bar, to stay with us and watch movies. Instead, you didn't listen, went to that bar, got drunk, and came home with anger in your spirit. You hit her over and over until she received a concussion from hitting her head on the floor after your last hit."

As she said this last sentence, she forced him to sit in a chair made of splintered wood and tied him down with rough, textured rope.

She whispered into his ear, "The more you move, the worse this will be for you."

She began using her switchblade to carve the words 'Murderer', 'Manipulator', and 'Abuser' into his skin. He cried out in pain, begging for mercy and willed for the agony to stop, but it wouldn't. Rose continued to hurt her father, Michael, until she was done carving those words into different places on his upper body. When she was done, she decided to step back and admire her work.

Rose smiled and placed her hands on her hips. "I must admit that my handiwork leaves much to be desired, but it serves its purpose well."

She watched the blood leave his body and pool onto the floor with satisfaction all over her face. She looked into his eyes and somehow saw a small part of him die on the inside. That was her sole purpose: to kill his inner self like he did to her and her beautiful mother.

"Remember when you came into my room at night, every night, starting on my sixth birthday? You gave me this comforting stuffed teddy bear, because you already had it planned in your head to hurt me. You came in, gave me my teddy bear, and laid next to me in my bed. I thought that you were just going to lay with me until I fell asleep since you knew that I was still hyper from all the cake from earlier in the day, but that's not what you did...Is it Dad? You reached into my pajama pants and you whispered into my ear, 'Don't tell anyone about what I'm about to do to you. No one will understand this special relationship we have together, Rosaline.' I believed you and thought that things would be okay until you reached your hand into my underwear and began to make me feel things that I now know that no father should make his daughter feel. You stole my innocence and you will never be forgiven. How could you do that to me?"

As she finishes saying all of this, she begins to wipe the tears that she hadn't realized that she had shed during this entire encounter with her father. She thought that she was done for the night, but she decided to move further into her plan sooner rather than later. Michael began to plead for his life and for mercy again.

"Rose, you don't want to do this to me. I didn't mean to make you feel like that. The voices told me that you would like it. They said that this was something that I had to do. I never thought that you wouldn't like it", Michael exclaimed.

"Even if the voices told you to, I know that you heard me plead for you to stop and felt the tears that always ran down my face. Every night that you came into my room, you knew somewhere deep inside that that wasn't what I wanted, yet you still continued to make your appearances."

Rose began to slowly cry again and sat on the floor, thinking about all of the terrible things that he did to her and her mother. Her mother was no longer alive, because of him.

"She was already suffering from depression before she met you, but you just had to convince her that you would help her. She believed you and instead of helping her, you hurt her even more."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 25, 2021 ⏰

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