nowhere to be seen..

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Hope stopped running around with Lizzie.

Lizzie "Wait! Something's up. Have you seen M.G. or Josie? Actually we just saw them in class but..what happened to everyone, else. all of a sudden nones here for what reason?" Turns around scanning the back of the school

Hope "So I assume you are right. Or your just being the usual you, not noticing what's going on around you or your own surroundings." She would say crossing her arms and scanning the backyard "Or it's everyone's day off... Wait no it can't be because we just saw them in class." Mumbles "I just realized you said the same thing. It took me a minute to realize that." She Chuckles

Lizzie "Exactly so what else could it be?" She rolled her eye at the shorter Brunette, giving her a soft chuckle

It's been ten minutes, The two stood in the middle of the woods "we've been walking around in circles Hope. Are you sure you know what you're doing" Lizzie would say getting enough of the walking

"Seriously? I roam the woods under the full moon how would I not know where I'm going if I'm roaming freely in the woods." Smerks "It's a trapSomeonees watching us." Hope would say looking around.

"But the question is, who is watching us. And how are we getting out of this hell, loophole." She would say twirling a finger in her blond silk curls - Lizzie

"I mean we could siphon the magic together. Just don't suck the living hell out of me while you're doing it" - Hope

Lizzie grins "Why would I suck the living hell out of my girlfriend"

Hope glances at Lizzie and rose a brow "Sebastian almost. Do I need to remind you it was your fault"

Lizzie "ok don't remind me of that. I get the point." She would say and held Hope's hand then started chanting to siphon the loopholes magic

After minutes later the two ran free from the loop hole. Lizzie and Hope ran into a triple connected tree with a black hole leading down to nothing.

"What is that!!??" Lizzie would say at the same time, running towards it. While dragging Hope along holding her hand.

Lizzie stops and yanks Hope back "Look at the tree, there's a word carved into its trunk." She would say watching Hope walking up to it, just to read.

Hope stood there cluelessly reading the carved word on the trunk for a few minutes pacing back and forward in circles around the tree itself.

Lizzie stood there confused at the word while watching Hope pacing herself in circles "What do you think it means?"

Hope stopped pacing in circles and turned to look at Lizzie besides her "I suppose it means nothing itself." She looked at the trunk eyeing it up and down "It's like its purpose is-"

"To be the empty black hole." Lizzie finishes the sentence for her "But why is it here, what would a tree with a black hole, with a word carved into a tree trunk be in the middle of mystic falls, SBS woods want..."

Hope "me? Or it could be because Malivore wants the world to end in nothing. Or to be known as a world that disappeared into thin air. Perishing into nothing, aka the Void itself."

Lizzie "Hope how do you know this? Have you been studying other things that you weren't meant to be doing?"

Hope tilts her head looking at Lizzie "well try living it to know it. I was born to fight for a life that was never meant to be mine. PLUS I've already finished all my studying." She grins "And besides if something like this happens and none of us knew what the hell it was, or what it was trying to do or is already doing? Then we'd all be useless ants getting sucked up by a giant creature that takes us into its empty stomach and sends us to an empty black hole that ..well you know could end up dying in or disappearing and knowing there's no existence of us being alive to begin with." She would say trying to get under Lizzie's skin to get her smart ass on

Lizzie froze and panicked "I DIDN'T WASTE MY LIFE ON THESE EXPENSIVE CLOTHES  AND SPENDING SO MUCH TIME ON MY HAIR JUST TO DIE IN, WITHOUT BEING KNOWN." She would say clutching her fist and points at the tree "NOT TODAY, you haven't seen the last of me. V. O. I. D." She would say and turns to Hope "What exactly is the plan, Mikaelson?"

Hope sighs and turns around to grab Lizzie's hand and starts walking back to the school "We will find out if anyone is linked to the void. Therefore if anyone is, we can and need to keep them locked up, locked away, and kept from having access to everyone else in the school for safety reasons so that person doesn't suck the other student into the void itself..any ideas, if anyone could be linked to the void itself. Liz?" She would ask and scan the library down with dodgy people walking around like nothings wrong.

Lizzie sighs and shrugs "Actually if I'm gonna be honest, I do not know. I mean as much as I want to accuse Alyssa cant and don't want it to be her..and no it's not just because I don't want to be near her when it does happen to others, even herself" shrugs again

Hope sighs "No help, that's like saying you shoved Dana into the glovebox...I mean void..." Smiles "so yeah ill let you know when the void tells its buddy to shove another dead body into another black hole, Elizabeth."

Lizzie stood there in shock, being insulted by the Mikaelson wasn't so new to the girl "Well excuse me for trying to~" the girl's voice had disappeared. No sign, not even a single sound came out of the blond's mouth. So where did she go?

Hope rolled her eye and kept looking ahead of herself "Okay Lizzie you can stop playing games with me and continue to speak. I didn't stop you from talking, otherwise i would have kissed you by now" the brunette looked over her shoulder seeing none behind her. "Lizzie?-" she turned around seeing nada. "Lizzie come out it's not that funny to just disappear on your girlfriend.." she walked around and began to worry, eventually running around looking for the blond to be seen nowhere in the forest "...guess its my turn to save my girlfriend."

"If you don't come out...we won't have sex for a whole week!" Hope says shouting from the top of her lounges and gulping a mass of air before running back to the school.

The Beginning Of HizzieWhere stories live. Discover now