Chapter Eight

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Chapter Eight

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"You have got to be kidding me!" Keith yelled, stepping right in front of Meredith as if to shield her from view. "What the fuck are you doing here, Joshua?"

Meredith cowered behind Keith, not knowing who was standing at the staircase, but just as afraid as the boys. It was a natural reaction to hide from others so she wasn't found. It had been drilled into her mind her entire life.

"What, you're not happy to see your uncle?"

Theodore bristled with anger. "Uncle? That's not really the word I would use to describe scum like you."

Joshua tipped his head back and laughed loudly. "Well, then what would you call me, then? Where is your father, by the way?"

The basement was still dark, which worked well to hide Meredith. She was so close to another person, which was overwhelming her. She'd only ever been around the maids and the Chambers, and in this week alone, she'd met numerous police men, Theodore, and now Joshua. It was giving her a panic attack.

"He's in jail because he's a fucking thief."

Joshua laughed again, descending the stairs. "Why are the two of you hanging in the dark basement? And when did you come home, Theodore?"

Joshua turned on the light, and Keith flinched as he pushed Meredith further back into the wall. He needed to think of something and fast, before his uncle found out.

"I've been home for a day," Theodore said stiffly. "I'd much rather talk about you showing up, though. Or, shall we talk about how you single handedly ruined my life?"

"Oh, sweet Theodore. I did nothing of the sort!" Joshua put his hand over his heart. "Persuading your parents to send you to military school was genius. Besides, it was really your father who wanted it. He was always talking about how much he didn't want kids."

Theodore balled up his hands into fists, but bit back any retorts he had. Keith was trying to do the same, but he was more worried about his pet. If Joshua knew he had her, Keith knew Joshua would do his best to ruin the situation.

"I would prefer it if you left." Theodore said through clenched teeth.

"And miss out on the fun? No way!" Joshua turned towards Keith. "And what are you hiding over there?"

"Wouldn't you like to know!" The taunt slipped past Keith's mouth before he had the chance to think.

"As a matter of fact, I would." Joshua sauntered over to Keith, but not before Theodore gripped his shoulder and ripped him back. Two fights in one night wasn't usually Theodore's style, but he already felt the need to protect Meredith.

"What the fuck is wrong with you boys?" Joshua threw a weak punch at Theodore, who dodged it easily. "No wonder your father talked about how much he didn't want kids!"

Keith took a step forward and threw his fist into Joshua's face. "Don't you dare come into our home and say these things! You were the one who fucking raped our mother and left her to die that night!"

Joshua wiped the blood from his face. "Yeah, she was a horrible lay. No clue how my brother ever married her, that prude."

Keith went for another swing but Joshua dodged it and took a step towards Meredith. He took in the small girl with a glint in his eyes and a smirk on his face. "Who's this?"

Keith gathered Meredith in his arms, securing her to his side. "None of your business!"

"Oh, but it is. The both of you were in a dark basement with a girl who's wearing practically nothing. I wonder what you two were about to do."

Theodore felt the urge to throw his fist in Joshua's face. "You don't know what you're talking about!"

Joshua just laughed. Then, he sent Keith flying to the ground with a single kick, effectively leaving Meredith up for grabs, which Joshua wasted no time in doing. The girl was scared, that was for sure. Joshua noted the baggy shirt and shorts, knowing the clothes didn't belong to her. He also took note of the bruises on her face and along her arms and legs. She was battered.

She was being abused. Joshua came to that conclusion fast, and while it should have made him feel pity for the girl, it made his excitement peak. She was nothing but a toy these boys played with.

"Leave her alone, or so help me-" Keith started, standing back up.

"Ah ah ah. I wouldn't do that if I were you," Joshua said, flicking open a pocket knife. "Wouldn't want your little toy to get hurt, would you?"

Theodore just watched with wide eyes. He could barely believe what was happening in front of him. Even he knew normal families didn't interact this way, but he was thrown head first into this one with no hope of escape.

"Theodore, fucking help me out will you!" Keith yelled, grinding his teeth together.

"I thought you wanted me to have nothing to do with your precious pet?" Theodore asked cockily, just playing around with his younger brother. He too didn't want Joshua to lay a single finger on her.

"Sibling rivalry at it's finest," Joshua laughed. "I can see she's important to the both of you, so I have a deal. I'm intrigued with this girl, and I want her for my own-"

"No fucking way! She's mine! Why can't people understand that!"

Joshua drew the knife to Meredith's neck. "Be careful what you say, little nephew. As I was saying, I want her for my own, but I can understand how you feel so here's the deal. I keep her at my place, but you guys can come visit once in a while. I have a feeling she'd make a fantastic prostitute."

Theodore moved in to throw a punch, but Joshua simply slashed a cut to Meredith's upper arm. "Come any closer and that'll be her neck under the blade, understand?"

Meredith could feel the stinging pain in her arm, but she was mute. She was shaking in fear, but there was nothing she could do. Already, she knew Joshua was much more dangerous than Keith was, and she knew Joshua wouldn't hesitate to kill her if she didn't comply.

Still, a part of her foolishly hoped that Keith or his brother could save her.

But do I really want to be stuck in this basement for the rest of my life?

The answer was no, but even Meredith knew her chances of survival was higher in the Chamber household. This man was ruthless, and she feared for her life in his arms.

"Why do you want her? Can't you just kidnap any random girl?" Keith pushed, his heart hammering away in his chest. "Can't you find any other girl?"

Joshua tisked and shook his head. "Keith, you've already done a wonderful job training her. She's perfectly obedient, like a dog. Why would I try finding a whore who would run away the first chance she got?"

Joshua started moving towards the stairs. "Alright, so we have a deal, I presume. Here I was, to see your father, but I got a toy instead. What a fantastic turn out."

Keith lunged at Joshua, but he didn't do very much damage. Instead, Joshua snapped his fingers and three men descended from upstairs, grabbing both boys and holding them back.

"You didn't think I came alone, did you?" He asked when he looked at his two nephews. "Say goodbye to your little toy. The next time you see her, she'll be a high class stripper."

With that, Joshua left through the basement door, leaving Keith and Theodore struggling against the arms of the men in black.

Both were unsure of how they were going to get Meredith back, but both had no doubts they would put up a fight.

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A/N: So here is another chapter!

Happy Friday!!

Love you all xoxo

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