💮 chapter 17 💮

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Third person POV:
Few days later and it was next week already and it was Friday which was the day of the party

Alejandros POV: me and mattia were cuddling in the couch and we were watching the TV to kill time till the party
A few hours passed and it was already time I got up and went to change

His outfit-

Mattias outfit-

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Mattias outfit-

Mattias outfit-

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When we finished we headed out to the party it was already dark when walked in and it smelled like lots of alchohol and weed I grabbed mattia by the hand he led us on to the table with drinks all the guys were there I walked next to vinnie and alvaro I stood there and they handed me a drink

Mattia: Hey babe I'm be over there with the boys alright if you need anything come to me

Ale: okay bubs have fun just dont do anything I wouldn't

Mattia: I wont bubs

He walked away with the guys, vinnie and alvaro looked at me shocked

Alv: babe??!!

Ale: oh right I was gonna tell you guys but y'all were to busy

Vin: so how'd it happen??

Ale: well I started liking him and then he ended up confessing his feelings for me and some weeks pass and he asked me to be his boyfriend

Alv: damn well he better not hurt you or else-

Ale: he won't he promised me he wouldn't

Vin: well just a heads up he will get his ass kicked if he lays a hand on you

Ale: he would never do that he's different

I looked towards where mattia was he was playing beer pong he looked like he was having fun

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