The Confession

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El Topo couldn't take it anymore, his feelings and emotions had been bottled up and suppressed inside him for too long and he felt like his chest was going to explode. The second that him and Le Chevre were alone together in there temporary base in Rio de Janeiro he took off his digging claw gloves, and took Le Chevre's hands in his.

"Le Chevre, Jean-Paul, there is something I must tell you. No matter if you feel different, although I hope you do not, I need you to know the truth."

"Anything El Topo, what is on your mind mon amigo?"

El Topo tried to form words, but he started to stutter. So instead, in a bold move he put his hands on Jean-Paul's face, and pulled him in for a kiss.

Fireworks went off in El Topo's mind, and the world seemed brighter. All at once his built up anxiety was replaced with butterflies and all seemed right. That illusion was instantly shattered though when El Topo opened his eyes. Although he hadn't pulled away from the kiss, Le Chevre's brown eyes were wide with shock. El Topo quickly pulled away, and his mind started racing.

'Oh no. Estaba equivocado! Él no se siente de la misma manera! Eso fue tan estúpido!'

"Qué he hecho? Lo siento mucho Le Chevre! I-I have had these feelings for so long, I couldn't hold them back anymore. But that was foolish, we are only partners, friends, amigos. And I had to go and ruin that. Soy tan estúpido. Es probable que ahora me odias."

El Topo had started pacing the room in a near panic attack, he stopped when he noticed Le Chevre walking towards him.

"Lo siento. I truly am."

El Topo took a step back, Le Chevre kept walking towards him. He had a shocked, but calm face on, but El Topo was still afraid he was going to yell at him or do something to him for what he did.

"Jean... I am sorry, please, I-I-I..."

But before El Topo could say anything else Le Chevre had leaned over and rapped him in a tight hug and nuzzled his head on El Topo's broad strong shoulders. Calmly Le Chevre spoke.

"Usted nunca tiene que disculparse conmigo Antonio. If anything I should apologize. I have been blind, blind to your feelings and to my own. Do not call yourself stupid, I care to much about you to hear you say that about yourself."

Tears started falling down Antonio's face. In his life he had always been kind, but rarely received it back. He had always felt alone or hurt, but never showed it, and now someone he cared about deeply was saying how he felt back towards him.

"Do you really feel that way Jean-Paul, do you really care about me? Because I have loved you for so long but was so afraid to tell you, so if you are playing a cruel joke on me now I need to know because I don't think my heart can take you lying to me."

Jean-Paul pulled out of the hug and took Antonio's hands in his and stared into is dark eyes.

"Antonio, I love you too. I only ever want to work with you, when we are together I feel complete, and there have been times when we had intimate moments that I felt something inside me that I now realize was love and longing. You make me so happy Antonio, mon amour."

Tears continued to roll down Antonio's cheeks, he was so happy. Jean-Paul was about to wipe away his tears, but did not get a chance because Antonio pulled him back into a soft kiss. As Antonio put his hands around Jean-Paul's waist, and Jean-Paul put his arms around Antonio's neck, they both knew that this would complicate things with V.I.L.E. but for now there just enjoyed being in each other's arms.

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