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What man most desires

Is of a woman who ceases to expire

In the arms of a partners love

Only reaches the morning dove

For when she rests her head at night

It is you that seems to drift from sight

She wishes to meet you under her tree

But your only reply is to run and flee

Leaving her under the trees embrace

Waiting for you to bring her grace

She waits for the wind to sweep her away

As her flowers wilt and she begins to decay

The sun has set more than time itself

As she counts each day to her weakened self

The roots of the tree intertwined with her hand

For the tree loved her more than its own land

Its branches ached to hold her sorrow

Watching her look at the sun and beg for a tomorrow

The tree could only provide her relief from the heat

As she await for you and her to meet

The tree gave her comfort as she drew her last breath

As she soon would stand at the doors of death

She lay with the tree as she eternally slept

Leaving only the memory of her,the tree always kept.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 07, 2015 ⏰

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