chapter 17

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Rachel: Brody? *laughs*
Finn: This isn't funny
Rachel: I know. But seriously? Brody?
Finn: You never know
Rachel: I've know the guy for 13 years. He's not that knid of person
Finn: Well, I never met so I don't trust him
Rachel: Okay, i will accept your decision ONLY because you don't know him *kisses him*
Finn: *kisses back* Night
Rachel: Night *falls asleep*
Finn: *wraps his arm around her waist and falls asleep*
*Next Morning*
Finn: *wakes up* Baby, wake up
Rachel: 5 more minutes
FInn: No, we have to get ready
Rachel: For what?
Finn: We need to go to the police station
Rachel: Why?
Finn: Stuff we have to look over about Sara
Rachel: Okay
*At the police Station*
Finchel: *enter the building*
Officer John: Mr. Hudson, Ms. Berry please follow me to my office *walks away*
Finchel: *follow him*
Officer John: As you know, Sara is in New York. Now Ms.Berry I asked Mr.Hudson this question yesterday but does the name Brody Weston sound familiar?
Rachel: Brody is a friend of mine from New York but I highly doubt that he is behind this
Officer John: We have the Manhattan police on the case and every single clue we collect leads to him
Rachel: Are you sure it's him?
Officer John: We are not positive but for right now... Yes we are sure
Finchel: *look at eachother*
*In NYC*
Jessie: *walks in to the apartment* Is anybody here?
Sara: *comes out from behind the corner*
Jessie: Ahhh! Sara! How lovely to see you *hugs her*
Sara: *pushes him away* Don't touch me
Jessie: You don't have to be so mean
Sara: What do you want from me?
Jessie: I already told you what I want. Now you are gonna have a little makeover. We can't have people knowing who you are
Sara: What are you gonna do?
Jessie: We're gonna give you a little hair or maybe a few extentions. Something people won't recognize. Come on now
*2 hours later*
Jessie and Sara: *walk in*
Jessie: So what do you think
Sara: This looks nothing like me
Jessie: That's the point. This way nobody can find you

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