Leah Williamson x reader

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A/n : this was a request, so basically Leah is going to present the reader (girlfriend ) to her family after a game.

You and Leah have been dating for 7 months and today you where going to meet her family. You were a total mess of nerves and on top of that you had a game against Chelsea. Leah told you not stress out about meeting her family but you kinda did the opposite of that.
It was 3 am in the morning and all these thoughts were keeping you up. "Y/n Babe stop stressing and get some sleep you need it for tomorrow's game" Leah said  "I'm sorry, I'm just really nervous" you told her "don't apologize I get it" and after saying that she cuddled into you and gave you kisses on the neck, you relaxed on her embrace and finally fell asleep.

Next day:
"Y/n get up it's already 7" "just 5 more minutes please " you told her in your rusty morning voice. "We don't have more time wake up now" she said in a serious tone, Leah hated being late . "Only if you give me a kiss"you said and just a second later Leah gave you a slow passionate kiss. It really did wake you up.

Skip to when they get to the stadium:

When all the team arrived we started warming up and doing drills, as much as you tried to not think about meeting Leahs parents you couldn't get it out of your head. Everyone noticed you were a bit of a mess, first of all you bumped into Lia then you fell like three times for absolutely no reason.

 Luckily Joe didn't notice cause now you were on the starting line up, as a right winger, and all you could think about was not fucking it up because of your nerves. When the team finished warming up they went to change into their kit. Lia was your bestfriend and she knew right away you were nervous, she talked to you most of the time joking about anything, gosh you were lucky to have her as a bestfriend, all those jokes seemed to do the trick cause now the only thing in your mind was winning this game against your biggest rival, Chelsea.

 When everyone got out of the locker room it was only you and Leah left, "we are going to beat the crap out of Chelsea" you said, getting closer to her until you could feel her breath on your face . "Damn right we are" Leah remarked, a second after that you pulled her into a kiss, it was short but full of love. You both smiled and went to the line were the team was waiting. Both teams got ready, Chelsea was starting with the ball.

The game had started about 30 minutes ago, and let's be honest it was tough and dirty. However Arsenal had were playing really good trying to stay calm even though Chelsea was holding a high press.

The second half of the game was hell, there were at least 6 players with yellow cards. But you kept playing clean. In the 60th minute you got a great pass from Beth and shot the ball to the net in the right upper corner. The crowd erupted in cheers, and the whole team came to celebrate your goal, Leah ran like crazy to you and gave you a kiss. You were blushing and way too happy, everything was going great.... Until the last minutes of the game

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