Chapter 4

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"I was waiting for you. I have something to show you.", says Sana as she grabs Sidharth's wrist and takes him inside. While returning home, Sidharth had called up Sana to tell her about his decision to keep Ruhani with him for a few days. She had asked him to come over to Dr.Anand's office. Sidharth was really not that happy to know that Sana had again involved him in the case. But he had no choice but to come.

"Hello ACP. Nice to see you again.",says Dr.Jaykant Anand with a smile. Sidharth smiles a little and replies, "How are you Doctor?" "I am always good. So another related case? Sometimes I think you should take Sana in your team. She will always prove worthy for your case." , he answers. Sidharth nods his head, "It is true Doctor that she has helped me a lot in the last case. And somehow she is getting involved in this case too. As a police officer, I never rely on such help but she did help me out. Regarding her adding in my team, yes if I could take her, I would love to. Who won't want to see this alluring face everyday at work? All we see are dead bodies and criminals." Dr.Anand laughs loudly as he continues, "Well said..indeed who won't want to see this charming face all the time! I know you are serious about your job. You know me, I always pass jokes. Don't mind. "

Sidharth smiles, "Yes. I know you and you know me. So I am okay with you making fun of it. Sana has helped me in the case, I, a police officer, have always been thankful towards her, a psychic. I am not at all ashamed of it.." He looks at Sana with love in his eyes as she smiles at him. Dr.Anand starts to laugh loudly, "Ah! How beautiful is love!! Sorry ACP..I won't make jokes again."

Sidharth turns towards him, "Why am I here? What is that you want to show me?" Dr.Anand smiles and says,"Of course.. Sana had called me the night she had seen that woman, Reshma. I had tried to contact her through séance. But I didn't get her through." "Séance? You mean those Ouija board things. Are those real?", he asks. Dr.Anand smiles again, "As real as television or radio. Just like the receiver of a radio catches the signal waves coming from a station and converts it to sound to be played by the speakers, the ouija board receives the answers of the spirits and translates it into letters using a piece of pointer, heart-shaped wood called planchette. Ouija boards are one of many ways to communicate with the dead. And they have been use from many years now."

Sidharth runs his fingers through his hair and looks at Sana. Dr.Anand raises his eyebrows,"You don't trust me." Sidharth says, "First I had heard about Spirit box that records voices. And now you tell me Ouija boards are real things. Which are real then?" "Like I said there are many ways to communicate with spirits. Ouija or talking boards and medium are some ancient means to talk to the dead. Now with technology we use EVP sessions (Electronic Voice Phenomenon) to record voices and other modern technology like EMF meters, thermographic and night vision cameras etc. to find about their existence and record them. I have a team along with Dr.Biswas's, who use various technologies to record their presence and communicate with them. I am however old school, so sometimes I use this board."

Sidharth says, "I have heard it is just a game board which kids use to play." "No. Not at all. It is very dangerous. It is definitely not for playing. Spirits can stay back if the session is not ended properly.", he says shaking his head. Sidharth remains silent as Dr.Anand continues, "You still don't believe it." He replies,"It is not about belief. I may not believe in God, but there is a superpower that is running everything. I was not believing in spirits but I have experienced enough to know some unexplainable things do exist. So no it's not that. Tell me what you were speaking earlier." There is a sign of annoyance on Dr.Anand's face as he continues,"Hmm..So last night I tried to use the Ouija board to talk to Reshma with my student Kamal. But she didn't come. Today however we had a breakthrough." "We?",asks Sidharth. Sana excitedly says,"I participated in the session with him and Kamal. And guess what she came." Sidharth raises his eyebrows as Dr.Anand plays a recording of the session.

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