Chapter 1

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    It seemed like another day of class. No one suspected anything, as always. They didn't suspect a certain student was different from everyone else, well, physically at least. Of course, no one questened it when a certain red haired person first corrected their pronouns, but they were all fine with it. Although, they did get the nickname of 'arson enby,' which they embraced with open arms. Because of Karma, the other students didn't even suspect that the top of their class, the bluenet, the boy with blue big tails, Shiota Nagisa, was trans.

    He was caught by only a few people. Those people were Karasuma & his former friend group. Although, he had also told Karma. Kayano accidentally found out on her own.

    "Alright boys & girls, & Karma," Karma smirked at Korosensei, "Tomorrow is a very special day! It's physical exams!"

    Nagisa's eyes widened a little.

    "Be sure you're prepared ki-."

    Korosensei was interupted by Karasuma.

    "Nagisa, Karma. May I speak to you two without you know who."

    Karasuma then motioned to Korosensei, which offended the yellow octopus a little bit. Nagisa & Karma followed Karasuma into the hallway.

    "While everyone else is in their exams, you two will follow me. I've already planned it with the school that you two will do the physical exam separate from everyone else."

    "Hey! Thanks teach!," said Karma.

    Nagisa let out a breath.

    "Thanks Mr. Karasuma," said Nagisa.

    "Alright. Now, go back to class before you know who decides to spy on us."

    "I was already doing that. Also, why won't you use my actual name Karasuma," said Korosensei out of no where.

    "You didn't hear a thing. Now, I would suggest you get back to class so these kids can learn."

    "Oh good idea Karasuma! Yes, yes, well, let's get back to class kids! Come on let's go!"

    "Well, it's a good thing it's the last class of the day."

    Once the day ended, Nagisa, Karma, & Kayano walked home together.

    "I'm kinda curious, how are the physical exams going to work for you two?," asked Kayano.

    "Oh, well, we don't really know. Mr. Karasuma didn't tell us," said Nagisa.

    "Yeah. All we know is that we won't be doing it with everyone else this year. It was a little weird in the past years," said Karma.

    "Sounds like you two don't sound worried at all. That's good."

    "Well, it is about time for physical exams anyway. I just hope no one questions me," said Nagisa.

    "I wouldn't worry about that. Plus, if they do question you, I'll give them a piece of my mind," said Karma.

    "That is a little out of character for you Karma," said Nagisa.

    "Yeah well, you're by best guy friend. I kinda don't want my best guy friend to get too pressured."

    Nagisa felt pure joy go through his veins because of those two sentences.

    "Hey. This is where I part ways. Bye you two!" said Kayano.

    Both of them waved to the girl. Then they kept on walking.

    "Hey, you wanna come over today? I have this video game I really wanna show you," said Karma.

    "Sure!," said Nagisa, "My mom is off of work today anyways so I don't wanna face her."

    "That's fair. Let's go."

How's this for a first chapter? Shitty right? Now, should I write Nagisa's mom in the next chapter or should I just write the physical exam. Also, I got the idea because my step sister just finished OHSHC & that is one of my favourite episodes. I definitly won't make it NEARLY as fancy, but a little bit of drama won't make it bad, now would it. Also, some backround text for some of the things in this fic, if you read this far. We are just going to go by the laws of fanfiction & say that Nagisa was able to change his name & gender marker for school & stuff, & Karma was able to do that too, with a little more "convincing." That's honestly about all. Oh, was this authour's note not entertaining enough? Well, I accidentally typed Nagisa's name as Nagito, like the Daganrompa character. They aren't too similar though soooo. Now, go do what Nagito does, or rather needs to do, & go drink water.

- Big Sibling Authour

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