My Mum's Science Experiment is a Vampire - Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

I wandered groggily downstairs, my stomach growling and my eyesight blurry. Taz trotted after me, also ready for breakfast. Firstly, I made him some Weetabix and then placed it in front of him. Grabbing a box of cereal, I stretched and yawned, grabbed a bowl, poured out some Cheerio's, and filled the bowl with milk. 

I was just grabbing a spoon when my Mum came in. 

"Hey," I greeted her tiredly as I shut the draw with my hip. "You do know it's seven AM."

"Yes, I do." My mum replied. "I have the day off work. I thought I'd spend it with you."

"Mum, I'm on work experience." I replied, my heart sinking. 

"I'll call and tell them you're coming in with me on nightshift instead." She simply replied, pouring her own cereal out as I took mine to the table.

I ate silently until she came over with her breakfast and smiled at me. 

"So what should we do today?" She looked up expectantly. 

I shrugged, swallowing the mouthful of food. "Anything."

"Well my hair is in dire need of a cut so how about we go get our hair and nails done, do that shopping I promised, and then go grab something to eat?"

"Sounds good." I smiled, suddenly excited because I was actually spending the day with my Mum.

We chattered about what I thought of the company and then when we finished I headed upstairs to get ready while my Mum booked our hair and nails in down the local salon. 

Firstly, I made my bed and then rushed for a shower, the hot sprays waking me up fully. I dried and straightened my long black hair and rushed into my bedroom to get ready. I pulled out a pair of dark navy jeggings, grabbed a long grey off the shoulder top, and picked up my underwear and quickly changed into them. I sprayed some perfume on and quickly applied eyeliner, mascara, and lightly glazed my lips with lipgloss. 

While I was upstairs, I sorted out my washing and took them downstairs, throwing them into the washing machine. 

"Ready?" My Mum asked, tying up her blonde hair into a ponytail. 

"Yes," I grinned, pulling on my nitted grey Ugg boots. These were my favourite type of shoes in the world. Warm and comfortable. I glanced at the shoe rack, noticing I had at least two pairs of almost every colour. Well, you can't beat warm and comfy, I thought with a shrug. 

I put Taz in his puppy cage, gave him a treat and put his puppy mats down just in case he had to go. 

"I'll be back soon, boy." I cooed, petting his head. 

A sat with my Mum as the hairdresser began putting on her new hair colour. While we were in the car, I told her to live a little a do something drastic with her hair. And so, my Mum trusted me when I told the hairdresser to dye her hair chocolate and cut it into a long bob. I laughed as she whimpered when the first snip came. 

But as the hairdresser finished, my Mum was smiling from ear to ear. I couldn't believe my eyes. My Mum looked amazing, younger, her green eyes shining in the contrast of the dark hair as she inspected herself. 

"You look really good, Mum." I grinned as we moved on to have our nails down. 

"I feel good." She beamed as we chattered. "You should have had something done with yours."

"No way!" I shook my head. "I've been growing this since I was ten."

She simply smiled and we talked for a while. It felt good catching up with my Mum. I hadn't realised how much we didn't really talk. Polite conversation maybe, like, how college was going and such. But we never really went into depth. She laughed as I told her stories of college and how funny Amie could be.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 09, 2011 ⏰

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