Chapter 1

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Kaminari has always been embarrassed by his Words. Well, Word more like. The three letters on his wrist have always taunted him.

His Word was just so boring compared to his friends' Words. Even when he had just gotten his Word he hated it.

Who in the hell wants a Word like 'Hey'?

He sure as hell doesn't! But he got screwed over and got em! How is he supposed to know who his soulmate is when his Word is 'Hey'!? Kirishima's words are fucking 'Bro, your biceps are huge!' What the fuck! Kirishima's Words are so weird and cool and totally not boring.

Kaminari is 25. He has yet to meet his soulmate. All his friends are the same age as him, they all went to the same high school and they were all in the same classes.

He is the only one in their group who hasn't met his soulmate.

Ashido met her soulmate, the girl she bumped into on the subway had said "I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to run into you!" And Ashido kissed her after saying "You're the one."

Her name is Uraraka, and they both went out for coffee right after they met. Dropping all their plans to get to know each other.

They talk about it all the time. They're getting married in a few months, and Kaminari is gonna be Ashido's best man.

Sero met his soulmate. He was walking down the street and a guy with blue hair stopped him, returning Sero's dropped wallet and asking "I'm sorry, is this yours?"

Sero had just grinned and said, "What's your name, stranger?"

The stranger's name was Iida, and they went on a date about 4 days after meeting.

They've been together for about 3 years. Sero is planning on proposing.

Kirishima had met his soulmate, he was the first of all of them. All he had to do was find a guy that fawned over his 'huge biceps'.

They had met at the gym Kirishima goes to, and the redhead's response was just "I can't believe I found you!"

The guy's name is Tetsutetsu, and unsurprisingly, he's just as much of a fitness junkie as Kirishima.

Those two have been together for 6 years. Been married for 2 of those 6 years, Kaminari was the one Tetsutetsu consulted when he was planning his proposal. Kaminari was also Kirishima's best man.

Kaminari is so happy for all his friends, he won't lie about that, it's just that sometimes he wonders if maybe the reason why his Word was what it was, perhaps he didn't have a soulmate at all, or maybe he'd never meet his soulmate.

Maybe he wasn't meant for love. Maybe love wasn't meant for him. Maybe being alone was his destiny. Maybe his destiny wasn't in a person, but being alone. Forever.

That scared him the most, being alone forever. Without a soulmate.

That terrified him.

But, now wasn't the time to let his thoughts run rampant. For now, he has to focus on Ashido. After all, it's not every day you get to help your best friend choose her wedding dress.

"How about this one, Kami? I love the ruffles! Makes me feel like a princess!" Said woman yelled, stepping out of the dressing room.

Kaminari looked up and smiled, "It looks pretty! You definitely look like royalty in that one." He was happy for her. After all, she was getting married. To her soulmate. And Kaminari was the best man. And Kaminari was single. Single and without a soulmate.

Ashido grinned at him and went back into the dressing room, "I think I'm gonna get that one! Do you think Ochako would like it?"

"Of course! She'd love anything you wear. You could get married in a garbage bag and you'd still spend your honeymoon under the sheets." Kaminari said, earning a cackle from Ashido.

Said woman peeked her head over the door of the dressing room a minute or two after, her pink curls framing her perfect chocolate skin, "I know! I just want our wedding day to be perfect, and in order to do that I need to look perfect!"

"Well, I think the dress is beautiful on you." Kaminari smiled, "And if you wanna be like a princess, a long train would be perfect for that."

Ashido nodded and went back to changing, "There's just one more dress to try on and we're moving onto the final touches for the reception and ceremony! You remember who you're walking down the aisle with?"

"Uraraka's friend from high school. The angry one, right?" Kaminari confirmed, leaning back in the chair he occupied.

"Exactly! I'll introduce you two at the rehearsal, just be sure to remember which one he is, mkay?" The woman said, stepping out of the dressing room again. "Okay okay, how about this one?" She asked, spinning around to show off the large poofy dress with layers upon layers of tulle and ruffles, "It's like a big ass ballgown, right?! I love this one!"

Kaminari grinned ear to ear, "You look stunning in it, Ashi. Uraraka's gonna love it." He subconsciously rubbed his thumb against his Word.

Ashido smiled back at him, tears seeming to brim in her yellow eyes, "God, I can't believe this is really happening. I'm about to get fucking married, Kami!" She wobbled a bit and fell to her knees, the dress poofing up around her, "I'm trying on dresses for my wedding. I'm about to get married to my soulmate in 3 months. I can't believe this is real." Kaminari rushed over to the woman and held her tight as she continued, "I'm gonna get married, Kami," She sniffled and hiccuped, "I'm gonna get married and all this feels like the most amazing dream, and I don't wanna wake up."

"Ashi, I can promise you this isn't a dream." Kaminari said, rubbing circles on Ashido's back, "If it was a dream, you'd have your teeth falling out any moment now." He laughed, gently removing Ashido from his chest and wiping her eyes, "And I can clearly see your teeth still in your mouth."

The pink-haired girl laughed, taking in a deep breath, "I'm good, I'm fine." She nodded to herself, standing up and wiping her eyes, "Now. I'm gonna get changed. I'm getting this dress, it makes me feel gorgeous."

Kaminari stood and sat back down in his chair, waiting patiently for Ashido to finish changing.

He found himself staring at his wrist. The three letters laughing in his face. Taunting him. His best girl-friend was gonna get married. His first friend is already married to the best guy Kaminari knows outside his friend group, and his best bro was planning a proposal for his boyfriend.

And here Kaminari is. Still alone and without his soulmate.

He wants to believe he'll find his person at the wedding, but he seriously doubts that outcome.

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