Chapter 58

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Sorry updates are slow:(
kade woke me up crying. 2 years has passed. He's 2. All my babies are growing up. Kylie's 16. Kenleigh is 14. Kennedy and Kendall is 12. And Kade is 2.
Kade was screaming his lungs out. I picked him up. He was hot. He was running a fever. "Austin." I said. "What?" He asked. "Kade is running fever. I'm gonna take him to the emergency room." I said. "Want me to go?" He asked. "No im
fine. Watch the girls." I said. He nodded. I got Kade and myself dressed and drove to the ER.

"You mean to tell me I have been here a week waiting for some damn news and you're just now telling me my son has pneumonia?!" I asked. Austin was rubbing circles in my lower back. The doctor frowned. I rolled my eyes. "Is it serious?" Austin asked. "Not to bad." The doctor said. I nodded "with the right medicine he will be perfect in a week tops." The doctor said. I nodded. "He's free to go." He said.

"I won't go there again." I said. "Why?" Austin asked. "They're slow!!" I said. Austin chuckled. "My youngest baby is 2 and my oldest is turning 17 in a week. Damn im old." I said. Austin smiled and kissed my hand. I smiled.

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