Summer "Flashback"

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Hey, so this is exciting. As I'm reworking/rewriting/reconstructing this story, I'm trying to go back and get you guys, as the readers, caught up to the point that I started the new version at. So in the final draft of this story, this will most likely be the first chapter.

Now, I've never started a story in the middle, so I had a rough time trying to write the beginning, while keeping the middle in mind. It's a bit messy.

The chapter is also long, and has some pacing issues. It definitely needs some work and I probably will edit and republish it in a few days. However, I'm hoping to have some feedback before I go back to edit it.

Plus I just really wanted to get a chapter out. So without further ado:


Mia (Amelia)

"Mia, I am way too excited for today to wait a second longer, get your ass down these stairs or I will leave you and you can spend the Fourth of July by yourself!" The sound of my best friend, Jules, voice sounds from downstairs, followed by the slamming of my front door. I roll my eyes, Jules has never been patient.

"You're not the sun, Jules, the world doesn't revolve around you!" I yell back. I have to double check to make sure I have my bag packed, not that it's that big a deal if I forget anything. I'll only be gone a night.

Charlie, my brothers friend, is hosting a July Fourth beach-party-extravaganza, a bunch of us would be spending the night at his parents beach house since they decided to go to Florida for the holiday.

"The world absolutely does revolve around me." Jules barges into my room like it's her own, which it kind of is. I can't help but scoff.

"I'm almost done." I stuff a towel into the large grey backpack I've chosen to bring today. "I'm done."

"Whatever." Jules skips out of the room just as quickly as she came in, her long raven hair bouncing with her.

I quickly follow her, we wind up in my kitchen where my mom is preparing some fruit kebab thing for a barbecue she's going to.

"Hi, mom." Jules settles into a stool at the island in our kitchen. "Ooh, that looks good." She points at the kebabs, which I now can see are strawberry, pineapple, and blueberry.

"If you want a kebab, take a kebab, don't beg." My mom tells her, not looking up from her work. Jules and I each grab a kebab and eat.

"It's good." I compliment.

"I put fruit on a stick, chef of the year." My mom responds sarcastically. "Anyway, what are you girls getting up to tonight?" Mom finally drops her work, resting her elbows on the counter.

"Oh you know, the regular July Fourth stuff: beaches, fireworks, sexcapades, hard liquor, we might even pick up some wild exotic animals, I've always wanted to know what would happen if you put a tiger in the drivers seat of a Toyota." I say as straight-faced as possible.

My mother looks unconvinced. "You're not funny, Amelia."

"Oh you know you love it," I laugh.

My mom ignores me, instead turning towards Jules. "So, please tell me I'm not adding too much onto your parent's plate by having Mia sleepover tonight. I know you have a lot of family coming."

"Exactly," Jules snorts, "they won't even notice we're there."

Because we won't be.

"Well mom, we have to go. Jules mom always needs help cooking for everyone." I grab Jules, who whimpers something about not being done with her kebab, and rush out of the house into the 4Runner I share with my twin brother, Aaron.

AmeliaWhere stories live. Discover now