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hey guys :)

here's my update for january!

i've been stressing about a few things that i decided could go in this chapter, too, so feel free to skip over if you don't care (it has to do with writing projects, not my feelings lol).

well, how are you? you can say good or bad or fine, but give me some detail! how's the beginning of the week treating ya?

before you ask (tho you guys will anyways bc you're just that good) i'm doing well :) literally have nothing to complain about besides the daily struggles of teenage life that i'm working with just fine.

so! here's the first thing i need to lay out for myself and maybe you too.

well, grace, whatever happened to that ‘no doubt about it’ book you promised months ago? is that still relevant at all?


if you read the pen pals stories i threw myself into last summer, this is for you. if you even remember.

i concluded twa with an a/n that announced the last installment, ‘no doubt about it.’ i also mentioned that i was writing it alongside the amazing kat. co-writing a book is totally different, let me tell you. to ensure it tied together smoothly and updates came efficiently, we decided a complete outline, chapter by chapter, was the best way to go.

you can blame me for the amount of time that's taking 😂

by the time i had four or five chapters outlined, school was taking over for both kat and i. exams and real life for her, pretty much the same for me. writing was pushed to the back burner, at least for that book.

do i still want to write it? debatable. yes, i do. i want to write and watch me and kat make it amazing and see all of your hilarious comments as we inflict pain on our favorite characters. i want to see zoey’s beautiful art in my inbox and get overwhelmed with notifications when i upload a chapter.

but. but at the same time, i'm in this really delicate stage of learning. i haven't been satisfied with my work since the day i started writing. that's why i continue, to see myself improve. i have not hit the point where i'm really, truly okay with it and sometimes that sucks the motivation from me.

(on that note, i'm not self conscious or anything. i don't think, at least. i just have stupidly high standards for myself and my head is always in the future.)

i've been at this point where i'm stuck between yes, i want to, just do it, and no, you're not ready, get more practice.

then i have to remind myself that i'm literally 14 (going on 15 hehe) and writing! isn't! a! chore!

(exclamation points for those who need them.)

i'm pretty sure that, at this point, all the readers forgot 😂😂 not because they don't care, gosh no, but because it's been sO lOnG. i would forget.

i decided a while back that after i finished ‘no doubt about it’ (honestly still a working title) i would go back and edit all of the books. but i'm not even sure about that anymore. i only want to edit something if i'm really passionate about it and want it to last. i wouldn't be able to move on for so long after that and i don't think i'm capable.

after a while of just thinking and procrastinating and going back and forth, i've now got a general idea of what i want to do.

first, i want to combine pen pals and twa. into one book. why do i hesitate, you ask? there's a lot of precious comments and votes in that book that wouldn't be up anymore. that makes me extremely sad. but it would be really refreshing and i could clean up my account a bit. plus, it needs a new cover.

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