Angelic Soulmate

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"Can you try and be civil with him?" You asked Dean as three of you walked into the halfway house Gadreel was staying in. Dean just kept walking without saying a word. You put a hand on his arm which made him turn and look at you. "Dean I need you to try and be civil with him. I know you're a bit weary of him but he's also my friend and I care about him too. I don't want to see two people I care about hurt each other."

"Fine. I'll try and be nice Y/N. But I can't gaurantee that it'll last." Dean said through gritted teeth. You smiled and led Sam and Dean into the lobby of the halfway house.

"Zeke there are some people here that say they're your family and you can go home with them." The secratary told Gadreel as she led the three of you into his room.

"Hey Ga--Zeke! Long time no see," You cooed as you launched yourself at Gadreel to give him a hug. He stumbled backwards a bit before wrapping his arms around you. While hugging Gadreel you could've sworn you'd seen a pair of wings sprouting from his back. But you immediately shook the thought. "It's good to see you." You said looking up into his green eyes all the while never moving your arms from around his waist.

"It's good to see you again as well Y/N." Gadreel made no move to remove his arms from around your waist either. For a brief moment it was like the two were in your own world. You couldn't help but think about your feelings for the angel at the moment. Knowing full well that he'd probably never feel the same way. So you buried those feelings quickly.But you were quickly brought back to the present remembering there were other people in the room. Turning to face the others you still kept one arm around Gadreel's waist. He did the same.

You noticed that Dean's jaw was clenched and his stance was a little stiffer. Sam well he looked like he just wanted to get out of here as soon as humanly possible.As for the secratary that was a different story. She looked as if she was about to swallow you whole. Her eyes skimmed over the two. You could've sworn you saw a hint of jealousy in her eyes. But if it was there it disappeared as quickly as it had appeared.

"So what do you say we get you out of here and head home." Sam stated clearing his throat.

"Yes, of course. Let's get all of Zeke's affairs in order first and then he should be good to go." The secratary answered letting her gaze wash over the 6 foot 4 hunter. You smiled a little and were glad that the secratary wasn't eyeing Gadreel anymore.

"Hey Dean you want to help me take care of the paperwork?" Sam asked following the secratary out of the room.

"I think I'll stay here and have a chat with Zeke. What do you think Y/N?" Dean asked looking at you.

"No it's okay if you go with Sam. I'll be fine here with Zeke. No worries. Besides I wouldn't mind getting some alone time with my friend before we leave." Side hugging Gadreel closer as you 'innocently' smiled at the secratary. If you didn't know better the secratary looked jealous that you were so close with the angel. This gave you a bit more satisfaction than it should've.

"Fine, but no funny business while we're gone," Dean ordered. It was obvious this was pointed more towards Gadreel than you. "We shouldn't be too long." Sam, Dean, and the secratary left the room. It was times like this you were glad that the first blade was nowhere within Dean's reach.

You turned to Gadreel and hugged him again. "It really is good to see you again Gad. I miss hanging out with you." You told him stepping back so he start packing his few belongings.

"I've missed your company as well Y/N. But Dean and Sam, especially Dean, doesn't seem as happy to see me." He confided in you. The look of sadness that played across his face momentarily broke your heart. You couldn't stand seeing him like this. Before you could stop yourself you were hugging him again.

Yet again you saw wings emerging from his back. And again you shook off the thoughtt of being able to see the angel's wings. You figured it'd be best to wait till you were out of this place to say something.

"It'll be fine Gadreel. I won't let Dean do anything to you. I made him promise not to do anything stupid. He's been a little more on edge lately because of the mark of Cain."

~~Time Skip~~

The four of you finally made it back to the bunker. Dean parked and got out in a rush. Dean was pacing back and forth when you got out of the car. For the love of God you hoped he didn't do anything stupid.

"Okay you're going to tell me what I want to know and you're going to tell me now." Dean almost yelled as he grabbed Gadreel by the collar of his sweatshirt.

"I do not know what you're talking about. If you explain you're situation then perhaps I may be able to help, brother."

"Don't screw with me you son of a bitch. You know damn well what I'm talking about. I know you do."

"I assure you I do not. Calm down and then we could talk." Was the only thing Gadreel said before Dean pushed him. Gadreel stumbled backwards a bit before Dean punched him. This made Gadreel fall to the ground and then Dean started kicking him before getting on the ground and punching him.

"Dean no! Stop Dean stop!" You screamed as Sam pulled Dean off of Gadreel. You rushed to Gadreel's side and helped him. You looked him over to see if he had any injuries.

"What the hell Dean?!?" You yelled not taking your eyes off Gadreel. "Why would you--" you saw the angel's wings omce again. This time you could not not say anything. You reached out and touched the feathers on his wings. The feathers turning white and shimmering at your touch. The others shook wanting you to touch them as well.

"What the hell are you doing to her? Get away from her!" Dean yelled wrenching himself free of Sam's grip. Dean pulled you away from Gadreel by your arm.

"He's not doing anything Dean.I can see his wings Dean." You said as your Y/E/C eyes met Gadreel's olive eyes. Sam's eyes widened and Dean looked at you weirdly. Gadreel took a step towards you but Dean stepped in front of you while his grip tightened on your arm.

"Dean let go of my arm. You're hurting my arm." You winced. Before you knew it Gadreel had pushed Dean out of the way and pulled you into his arms. His wings spread out behind him.

"If I were you I wouldn't do that again,"Gadreel warned. "If you can truely see my wings this means we are soulmates."

"What do you mean soulmates?" Sam asked genuinly interested but concerned.

"This isn't some sort of joke is it? Because if it is and this is just something to hurt Y/N I swear I'll kill you right now without a second thought." Dean snarled moving closer towards the two of you. Gadreel tightened his grip on you and you saw his wings partially wrap themselves around you both as if protecting you.

"No this isn't a trick Dean. It's said that all angels are bonded with one human-their soulmate," Gadreel spoke as he looked down at you. His olive eyes meeting your Y/E/C ones. "This is a holy bond that is so strong that not even God himself could break if he wanted. The person to whom the angel is bonded is the only one capable of seeing the angel's wings. But human emotions are subject to change at any given moment. I would never leave Y/N unless she asked me to leave. But I would wait an eternity to be with her again." A few tears fell down your cheeks but Gadreel wiped them away.

"I would never make you leave Gad. I could never do that you. I could never hurt you like that," you told him placing your hands on either side of his face. You leaned up and place a quick kiss on his lips before turing to face Dean. "You do realize that you can't hurt or kill him now right? You can't take him away from me."

"As much as I hate to admit it but yeah I know. I guess this means I should start trying to like you Gadreel."

"Just when we thought our lives couldn't get anymore complicated." Sam half sighed and half chuckled.

Angelic SoulmateWhere stories live. Discover now