Coffee and Gasoline.

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I don't understand how you went from a pretty shade of pink on your cheeks to a mess of black and blue painted on your body.

Isabel POV

I walked into the store, looking for this guy. I found him over by a coffee machine, filling a cup. He didn't add any cream or sugar, just black.
I do not trust this dude.
I looked over by the candy, pretending to find something.
There was a line and he got in the back. A man shoved in front of him and he almost spilled his coffee, he didn't yell or anything. He only clenched his fist and let him.

I got in the back of him, holding a pack of gum and a few lollipops. I looked down at his pocket, I assumed his keys were in there.
I got this.
I reached down and put a finger in his pocket trying to feel for the keys. A strong hand grabbed my wrist.
Fuck! Run, hide, attack! Do somethingggg
He yanked my arm closer to him.
"I got you, sneaky." He whispered in my ear, tightening his grip. He held onto me the whole time, even paying for the candy I was originally going to steal.
He's going to chop me up, this is it. This guy is obviously a psychopath and he's going to chop me into little pieces and eat me with his coffee.

He pulled me out of the store. This guy could easily snap me in half, I looked like a little child compared to him. Daron stood up and widened his eyes as we got closer. He came running up to the taller man and tried to get him off of me. All the man did was push him out of the way and kept a hold of my arm while he opened his door. We were both pretty small compared to him. He pushed me inside the backseat and took Daron right with me.

"LET ME THE FUCK OUT DUDE!" I yelled at him as he put the car in drive. Daron held my hand and shushed me. He looked around the car as the man drove fast.

"Buckle up, guys, we're going for a ride." He looked into the mirror smirking at me. I'm not gonna lie, that car smelled really nice.
It had that new car smell but it also smelled like lavender. Sort of comforting..

"Where are you taking us?" Daron asked. No answer.
"This is kidnapping." Daron snapped and hit the back of the seat.

"Well, that was grand theft auto, drug use, escape in the first degree, and murder in.. some degree. Let's see who's doing worse?" The man said back, sternly but still calm.

"We didn't murder anyone, sir. We didn't do anything, let us out." I tried to unlock my door, no budge.

"This could also be me turning in two wanted criminals, if you don't behave yourself." He smiled to himself and kept driving.
He's got me.
I slumped into my seat and looked at Daron. He had a red face and furrowed brows.
"What's your name?" I asked.
"What do you want, Serj?"
"I want to help you, Lola."
Who the fuck is this dude?
I looked to Daron and he only shrugged.
"How do you know her name?" Daron asked holding onto my hand.
"I just know her." He said back.

We went silent. If I wanted to, I could probably hear my own blood streaming.

"I want to help you guys. I know that guy you shot was trouble." Serj finally said.

A few hours later, it was around 3 pm. Serj stopped the car, we were in the middle of a road. It was all orange outside, no other cars around. We were obviously going pretty far more. Serj turned off the car and looked behind to us.

His dark, intense, dominant eyes switched up and now looked warm and comforting. He smiled at us and I kind of wanted to smile back. He got out of the car and opened the door in the backseat. I couldn't open the door from the inside. He took my hand and helped me up.

He put his arm on my shoulder and turned towards me. "I'm a friend of Shavo's. You know him right?"

I only nodded.

"Shavo knows, well, knew 8ball. He was a bad guy, punched Shavo in the face one time. He hung around some bad guys too. I know what you did wasn't just murder or being evil. It was probably self defense."

I couldn't really talk, he had me.

"Shavo called me telling me what happened when the news came on that night. He asked if I could help and I want to! Do you want my help?"

I just stared.

"Lola? Sorry, Isabel?"

"...Huh? Uh oh sorry. I-I-I want help, yes." I said kinda scattered.

Serj smiled, I smiled back. "Okay." He pulled me into a hug.

"Sorry for kidnapping you." He whispered in my ear.
I heard a car door slam and a march coming closer, I had my head in Serj's shoulder as he bent down to my height.

A very angry Daron pulled Serj off of me and punched him in the nose. "DON'T FUCKING TOUCH MY CHICK, YOU FUCKING CREEP!"

He went in to punch again and Serj grabbed his arms. "It wasn't weird. I'm going to help you guys, it's nothing shady."

I tried to pull Daron away and he finally budged.
"He's good, D-Daron. A friend of mine sent him!" I tried to explain.

Serj felt his nose and wiped it, still looking at Daron. Daron had these wild eyes, ready to pounce. Serj only smiled at him, not an evil smile or nothin' a friendly smile..
What the fuck.
I held onto Daron and he took a deep breath, calming down.
"I have a place for us to stay for the night. Then we'll move on in the morning." Serj finally said, breaking the silence.
"Where is it?" I asked still holding Daron.

He got into the car, waving us over. He first, got our doors back to normal so we could open them. We all got in and he started driving again.

This guy is fucking weird.

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