It's better to ask forgiveness than permission

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~Bill Cipher pov~

I looked down at the gorgeous mortal girl that was in front of me.

It took my brain about 5 seconds to comprehend what she had just said.

"You accept the deal?" I asked.

"Yes,if you give my dad back his memories" she snapped.

I just looked at her,my mouth agape.

"What ,are you deaf or something?" she snapped,her voice rising.

Wow...she seems a bit angry.

Wait Bill .

Let's get back to reality here.

Hold on...isn't reality an illusion?

Ugh this girl is confusing the living heck out of me.

Ooooh wait .

I can use this to my advantage...

Why don't we add a little bit of...spice to this deal?

"No"I said simply.

She looked taken aback by that single word.

"You owe me three dates" I continued.

"What ,why?" she asked.

"I have offered you this amazing deal for quite some time and my patience and tolerance has been wearing thin.

That offer has expired, now it is 3 dates or your father won't get his memories back."

She smirked.

"Deal" she said and stuck out her hand.

I can't believe it was that easy.

Like absolute putty in my hands.

My arm lit up with blue flames.

As I was about to shake her hand,she retracted if and looked at the flames warily.

I smiled "Don't be afraid sweetie ,the flames won't hurt you,I promise."

She closed her eyes,took a deep breath and grabbed my hand.

Blue fire travelled up her arm, but it didn't burn her.

The deal was officially sealed as I retracted my hand from hers.

She looked up at me and raised her eyebrow.

"Was the blue fire really necessary?"

I chuckled ,"Yes,it magically sealed the deal."

"Oh...what do you mean by 'magically sealed?'" she asked.

"It means that if one of us were to break the deal ,then we die,unless a part of it is or isn't true.

For example if your dad got his memories back without my help..or if..."I trailed off.

Can't reveal too much.

"If what?" she questioned.

"You sure ask a lot of questions.

Look just meet me at the water tower,tonight,at midnight for our first date"I said,eager to change the subject.

"But I'm pretty sure Stan won't let me go out at midnight without the Pines Twins ,and plus it'll arouse suspicion"she reasoned.

I chuckled once again "Sneak out,afterall it's better to ask forgiveness than permission."

~Quick A/N~

Hey y'all ,super sorry for the late update but I was having problems with my device where I write but it's all good now.

Also thanks for reminding me that the guys name is Fiddleford and not Gilford , I edited and fixed 😊

Y'all rock,keep the comments rolling AND I'll see you in the next chapter 😊😊😊

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