Growing up

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I can't believe the girls are gonna be going to high school, ugh max and Sevyn are so smart, they turned 14 and pasted there grade up exams like we both thought. We put them in the best high school that would not only help them but also prepare them for working life, they both work at my shop and honestly I want to make them managers since they've been boosting business with there ideas and talking to there teachers and classmates, they even helped me come out with a line of clothing for teens. Ugh I don't know what I'd do without the girls and Britten.

Mama where's Ma? Her and Sevyn did some extra stuff at the shop across town they should be home soon, ok are we still moving? Yes what you don't wanna move? No I do but I like this place too. I do to princess but it's not big enough for the 4 of us, you and your sister are getting big and y'all are gonna need y'all own space. Yea that's true or you and ma can move out and me and Sevyn can stay here? Don't play with me little girl, did you and Sevyn order your things for school? Yes they should be here today actually. We both see the door open to Sevyn and Britten carring a good few boxes and packages, what on Gaia did y'all order!? (Sevyn) school supplies, clothes and shoes and maybe some new tech. (Britten) new tech! I told y'all to wait on that. What did you order? (Max) we both got new iPads and mac's with asseries. I should beat y'all, how much did you spend? (Sevyn) mamá I don't think you want to know that. (Britten) girl you better answer her or I'll be taking all this shit back. (Max) um close to $5,000. Oh ok so y'all are grounded until........ nope matter a fact since y'all wanna spend money y'all are gonna earn all that back, y'all are gonna be working at the shops until it's all paid off. (Sevyn) mamá what about sports, you know I play basketball. (Max) Yea I have volleyball. (Britten) well it sounds like school, sports, work then homework and bed for both of you for a few months. Now go put all this stuff away. They both grumble and grab the packages taking them to there room. (Britten) ugh what the hell were they thinking? Babe it's fine, at least now I know why there was a charge to my card for $5,000 dollars. Yea but still that makes no sense, we would have probably got it anyway; why did they feel the need to go behind our backs and get it anyway? I don't know baby, we'll talk to them later ok; please don't worry about it. Fine, she walks over to me and kisses me then puts her head on my shoulder. I hold her and scratch her head just trying to sooth her, baby what do you want for dinner? Mmmm how bout we all make burgers? (Giggling) Babe the girls are on a diet. Oh! Ugh that's right, they can have soy or tofu burgers. (Laughing) fine burgers it is, can you help me with the prep work? Of corse.

After we all get done cooking we eat and talk bout what they did, school and the move. (Sevyn) mamá since were in high school do we get cars or a car? (Britten) bold of you to ask while your in trouble, but to answer that no; you both aren't even old enough to drive. How bout we make a deal? (Max) what kind of deal? Both of you get straight A's in school and when y'all turn 16 we'll get you almost any car you want, I say almost because I will not buy neither of you a Ferrari, Rose Royce, Tesla or phantom; do we have a deal? I see Max turn to Sevyn and shake her head. (Britten) well? You can't get a better deal then that. (Sevyn) deal. We all shake hands and finish our dinner. (Britten) well since y'all spent all that money let see what y'all brought. (Max) ooo I wanna know what y'all think about my first day outfit! (Sevyn) mines too. They both run to there rooms while me and Britten are Laughing, after a few minutes they come back out and I see Max's and like usual, her reserved yet fashionable tomboy look.

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