Chapter 1

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"Oh, Anna banana!" I said as I walked over to Anna and her friends.
"Luce, I thought I told you that I hate it when you call me that!!" Anna said as I got to where she was standing. 
"So what? I'm older than you, so I couldn't care less as to what you say. Besides, dad always calls you that, so why can't I?" I said with a smirk coming on my face.
"Whatever. What do you want anyway? You never talk to me anymore."
"I just wanted to see if you wanted to catch up over some butter beer down at The Three Broomsticks later tonight? Since it's Friday, we can go later, after dinner."
"Uh, sure, I guess. Meet at the entrance hall around 7?"
"Yeah, that works. I've got to go, but see you later tonight! Don't be late!"
"Yeah, yeah, whatever." Anna said as I walked away.

"Ah, there you are, Miss. Evergreen. I've been looking for you." Professor Dumbledore said as he stopped me in the corridor.
"Uh, yeah. Is there anything that you need, Professor?" I said as I looked to the right of him, down the hallway. I just want to get back to the common room and hang out with my friends. Not do whatever Dumbledore is about to ask me to do.
"Actually, there is. Hagrid has requested for you, Hermoine, Harry, and Ron to go down to his hut tomorrow morning. He mentioned something about the Forbidden Forest, but didn't say much. Think you could meet him there around 9 and pass the word onto your friends?"
"Sure. I have to get going, but thanks, Professor Dumbledore. See you at dinner!" I said as I began to walk away.
"Oh, alright then." Dumbledore said as he watched me walk off.

As I finally arrived at the Gryffindor common room and said the password, Caput Draconis to the agar Lady, I am more than relieved to have some free time with my friends. It has been none less than a stressful week and it's about time to relax.

"Luce, there you are! We have been looking everywhere for you." Hermoine said with an annoyed expression on her face.
"Yeah, seriously Lucy!" You could have at least given us a heads up you were going to be late." Ron said.
"What, late for what? I was talking to my sister and then Dumbledore stopped me in the way back to the common room." I said with a confused look on my face.
"Are you kidding me, Lucy? We have had this study session planned for weeks now! The O.W.L.S are coming up in only a month and we need to be more than prepared. Especially. if we want to stay on the Quidditch team, Luce." Harry said.
"Oh, yeah yeah. Sorry, I must have thought it was next week. Well, I am free until dinner if that works." I let out with a disappointed sigh. Recently, I have been more forgetful than ever. My grades have even been slipping since I keep forgetting to turn in my work and I can't afford to have my grades drop drastically.
"Excuses, excuses. Let's just get on with this already. It may take us a while." Mione said while picking up her potions textbook.
"Yeah, what she said. Plus, I'm beginning to get pretty hungry so let's just get this over with." Ron said. You can always count on Ron being hungry, at any time of the day.
"Bloody hell Ron. Is there any time that you aren't hungry?" Harry said with a smirk growing on his face.
"Boys, pay attention. We only have an hour before dinner and we need to get this done." I said as I pulled my bookbag over to my side.
"Yeah, Luce is right. Turn to page 120 in your Potions textbook. We can start with the Amortentia potion." Hermoine said.

When the clock struck 5, we knew it was time to get to dinner. Studying with the trio was more than hard. Luckily, we have Hermoine to help us, but Ron and Harry just want to goof off. It's quite hard to think when they're just cracking jokes the whole time. On a side note, I have high hopes that tonight's dinner will taste wonderful. The cooks never let us down and I have always found that Friday dinner's to be the best. Plus, I am excited to be able to chat with my sister a little later in the evening. After our mom died, she became my best friend and we would spend every minute with each other. But, once she got to Hogwarts, everything changed. Our loving bond slowly turned into a competitive rivalry between each other. I want to change it, I really do. Although, when she got sorted into Slytherin, I knew it would be weird if we associated much in public. Gryffindor's and Slytherin's have the biggest rivalry out of all the houses. That's why I try to keep my distance. But, I think tonight I am going to try to talk her into hanging out more, even in public.

"Lucy, do you plan on eating that?" Ron said as he pointed to my roll. Tonight's dinner was a delicious chicken pot pie with a roll on the side. I'm so glad that it is something warm. As we near Christmas and the weather gets colder, I try to stick with anything that will warm me up.
"Probably not, Im not too hungry right now. You can have it if you want." I said while trying to force a smile on my face. Now, I am more than worried about my interaction with my sister later tonight. I'm not quite sure as to how she will react, but I am hoping that she will agree with me in some way. 

I thought I was going to be able to get through dinner without anyone noticing that I was in deep thought, but I was wrong.
"You alright there, Luce? You look to be a little under the weather." Mione said as she leaned in to feel my forehead.
"Oh yeah, I'm great. Just thinking about some stuff, ya know?" I said trying to brush the conversation off.
"Well, share with us what you are thinking about. We got some time to listen." Harry said with the tone of his voice being very soft.
"Alright then, I'll try not to bore you guys. Do you guys remember how I told you earlier that Anna and I talked today?" I said as I let out a light sigh.
"Yeah, go on." Harry said, paying close attention to my facial expressions.
"I asked her if she would meet up with me later tonight at The Three Broomsticks. I really want to sit down with her to catch up.  But, I also want to see if she even wants to have the relationship that we had before she got to Hogwarts. I want it back, but I don't want to pressure her into anything." I felt tears begin to form in my eyes but looked down so it wouldn't be as noticeable.
"Aw Luce, that is a great big sister thing for you to do. I'm sure she will really appreciate it." Hermoine said trying to comfort me. 
"Yeah! She could have so much fun hanging out with us. As long as she isn't associating with Malfoy or any of those hunks, it would be amazing." Ron said with a quiet chuckle.
"Seriously, she better not be, or I may hurt her. Being a Slytherin is one thing, but hanging out with those goons is another." I said. I felt much better that my friends were on board with me.
"Ah, before I forget. Dumbledore stopped me in the hallways today and told me that Hagrid wants us to go down to his hut tomorrow morning. He didn't say much, but something to do with the Forbidden Forest. I was thinking we could meet in the common room around 8:30 a.m. and head down?" I said, picking at my food with my fork.
"That's odd. I wonder what he wants us to do in the forest. That place is not something you want to mess with." Harry said curiously.
"Yeah, I'm not sure either." I said calmly.
"Luce, it's 7. You should probably get going now." Hermoine said. Thank god she's here or I would have completely forgotten about meeting Anna.
"Oh yes! Thanks, Mione. I'll see you guys later in the common room." I said as I get up from my seat and began to walk out of the Great Hall.

A/N: Well, there's the first chapter! Im sorry it's so short, I promise it will get longer! Not only that, it will be getting better, even some drama in the next chapter. Leave me some suggestions in the comments! Hope you enjoy!!

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