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Griffin started to walk towards the stairs and Dixie walked straight over to him.
"I wanna talk about it" Dixie said she she grabbed his arm. He turned his body around and looked down at her hand on his arm. "Okay let's talk then" he said to her is he motioned to the next room for privacy. They went in and talked for a while, while the rest of us sat in the living room. Noah sat on the single chair and looked kinda down. I was sitting right next to him and I put my hand on his leg. He looked at me with some sadness in his eyes. "You gonna be okay" I asked him. He nodded his head and leaned back in his chair. I took my hand away from his leg and turned back to Jaden. He was on his phone and everyone else was chatting amongst themselves. Jaden and I where sitting on the couch at the end. Bryce and Addison where sitting next to us. They where whispering back and forth all snuggled up. Jaden wasn't paying attention to me because he was trying to post about the song coming out all over his social media's.
"Hey can we make a quick Tiktok?" Jaden asked everyone.
We all nodded and said yes in agreement and got up. Jaden set his phone up on the counter and we all sang and danced to So What! We did the song and he kissed me at the end of the video and he posted it on tiktok. It was really cute. Afterwards we all ate some snack foods and the girls and I made some more tiktoks and posted them. After a while Jaden was sitting on the couch with the rest of the boys and some of the girls. I stood behind him on the couch.
"So Jaden are you ever gonna sleep in your bed here again?" Bryce started teasing. Jaden rolled his eyes and I laughed a bit.
"He can stay here any night he wants I don't keep him captive I promise" I said to them. Jaden giggled at me and I pulled his head back to look at me.
"Hi can I help you" Jaden said to me. He made kissy lips at me and I leaned over him and kissed him.
"Wow Jaden such a simp move" Josh said. Everyone giggled and Jaden shot a glare over at Josh. "If I wanna kiss my girlfriend I will kiss my girlfriend" Jaden said back to him.
"Nobody's judging buddy we all kiss our girlfriends, but at least we sleep in our own beds at least once a week" Quinton said to Jaden.
"Really when was the last time you kissed your girlfriend?" Jaden said to Quinton.
"Babe maybe that was too far" I whispered in his ear.
"I'm sorry man that was insensitive" Jaden quickly apologized.
"No your right I really miss Cynthia being around but we are gonna work things out like we always do. We love each other and that won't change so let's not joke about it anymore"  Quinton said to the entire group. He stood up and walked into the kitchen. Jaden stood up after him to talk to him. I walked around the other side of the couch and sat next to Nessa and Josh.
"Sorry Josh can I steal Nessa for a few minutes?" I asked Josh. He nodded and Nessa turned towards me.
"So how is Cynthia doing. She fully moved out yet?" I asked Nessa.
"No she is almost moved out. She's come over every day to grab some more boxes. It's slowly but surly happening. She's barely spoken about Quinton. She said they have been talking but it's just casual how was your day tell me when your ready to talk kinda thing. That's why Quinton has been so testy when it comes to everything" she told me. I nodded my head.
"Well hopefully things will be figured out soon for them" I said in support I got back up and went back to the other side of the couch. Griffin and Dixie walked back in and Noah's head shot up as they walked in. "Everything fixed?" Addison asked.
"As fixed as things can be for two ex's who share a lot of friends" Dixie said to everyone. Griffin nodded in agreement and sat back down on the couch. Dixie walked over to Noah and sat on his lap in the chair. We all kept talking and Jaden and Quinton came back into the room. Rylie and Kio walked down the stairs from being live for a interview as a couple for the first time. Amelie Blake Anthony and Avani went into the second living room and played some ping pong. Josh, Nessa, Quinton, Bryce, Addison, Rylie, Kio, Jaden and I stayed in the living room. We had about 6 hours until Jadens song comes out. We decided to watch a scary movie. Jaden ran upstairs and grabbed us some blankets and we all sat down on the couch. I nuzzled into the side of him and we started to watch the Conjuring 2. Jaden and Bryce were on either side of me and a really freaky part came on. They shook me when the jump scare came on and I jumped straight off of Jaden and into the middle of the living room. I dropped to the floor and curled into a ball. Everyone around me was laughing and Jaden came and picked me up off the floor while he was still laughing. They scared me so bad I was crying.
"Aww are you gonna be okay" Jaden said laughing through gritted teeth. I looked up at him with a scowl and didn't answer. I sat across from him and Bryce and glared at both of them.
"Uh oh you messed up bad J" Addison said to him with an uh oh face. He looked at me and gave me the puppy eyes and I rolled my eyes. He laughed and walked over to me and bear tackled me. He was tickling me and I couldn't help it I started to laugh.
"J stop I can't be mad at you when you do that" I said through extreme laughter. He laughed too and buried his head into my neck kissing me while I kept giggling.
"Still mad at me?" He asked in a baby voice.
"I'll think about it" the smirk I gave him told it all. He smirked back and cuddled back into me laying on my stomach.
"What the hell dude she still hates me, and the entire thing was your idea. I can't fix it that easy" Bryce said to us annoyed. I looked at Jaden and giggled.
"Your right Bryce. Your gonna have to get me dunkin tomorrow morning or I'll continue to be mad at you" I told him in a joking manner.
"Alright but next time Jaden pisses me off he better expect to fix it the same way with me as he would with you" Bryce told us all. We all broke out and laughter and then quieted back down before the end of the movie. It was almost 8:30pm now and I was so tired. Everyone was sitting in the kitchen and I was on top of the counter with Jaden standing inbetween my legs and leaning back on me. We were all talking and having a fun time when someone knocked on the door. We all looked at each other to see who was missing and nobody was. Jaden walked toward the door with Josh and Bryce following closely behind. Jaden opened the door and saw it was Chase. Josh started to look pissed and Nessa slowly stepped towards me.
"You have a lot of balls to show up at my house buddy" Josh said walking quickly towards him.
"I know I do. But I wanted to talk to you actually" Chase responded to him.
Jaden stepped in between the two and looked at Chase dead in the eyes.
"Just because you and I are cool for now doesn't mean that you can show up on what's supposed to be a great night for me." Jaden said to him.
"I'm aware your song is coming out tonight and I'm very happy for you but I wanna talk to Josh and settle everything. I feel we never got to really settle it even before but I wanna do so now" Chase told everyone. Charli came around the corner a minute later and stopped dead in her tracks and stood behind Chase. She looked down at the ground with her keys in her hand and I tried to get her attention to allow her into the house but she wouldn't. I ignored it and just continued to watch what was happening in front of me. "Alright Chase let's go upstairs and 'talk' if that's what you wanna do" Josh said to him. He turned to go upstairs to the office space they have and Chase followed. Charli walked in after and gave Jaden a hug.
"So Char what is going on?" I asked her. Everyone leaned into listen and Nessa stayed quiet.
"Well you know how there were cheating rumors about him and Nessa. Well when we were all on our off period with each other Umm he told me that him and Ness kissed. She also told Josh by the sounds of it" Charli said looking at the ground still. Dixie walked towards her and took her hand.
"How long ago was this?" Dixie asked her.
"Just after he hit on (Y/N) when he and I broke up and Nessa and Josh were on there break. He told her that we were officially done and her and Josh were seeing other people and stuff so they kissed and that was all" she told us all. We all looked to Nessa to verify it and she nodded her head.
"Not one of my proudest moments. Charli and I worked things out after everything happened and such because we both told our person what had happened and how." Nessa told us. The room stayed quiet and I walked towards Dixie and Charli.
"Babe can we talk privately in your room" I asked motioning towards the girls. He nodded and we went upstairs.
"Charli why is he here then apologizing" Dixie asked her as soon as I shut the door.
"I told him the only way I would ever go back out and be in a fully trustworthy and committed relationship was if he apologized to Josh for what happened. He told me he pushed Nessa to kiss him. That she was thinking about it but never really wanted to do it" Charli told us. I nodded my head and looked at them both.
"You think Josh is gonna kill him?" I asked them. They both laughed.
"He probably already is dead dude" Dixie joked back. We all chatted for a few more minutes before going back downstairs. Everyone was sitting in the kitchen again and Jaden walked right over to me and took my hand as I walked back.
"Hopefully your talk went well with your sisters but did you happen to hear if Josh and Chase were still talking. I'd like both of them to be alive at least until So what drops" Jaden whispered in my ear and then softly laughed.
"I heard a mumble but I couldn't make out what it was and I didn't want to. Your song drops in 2 hours we all need to focus on that" about another half hour later of us all sitting in the kitchen with barely any talking Josh and Chase both came downstairs. They shook hands and Chase walked over to Charli and Josh walked over to Nessa.
"So neither of you wants to even say it went fine we worked things out. Nothing?" I asked them both.
"It went fine. We are not friends and we probably never will be but I do know Charli is important to Jaden. He sees her like a little sister and that Josh and Dixie are very good friends as well so I don't wanna be on bad terms with him or Nessa" Chase told us. Josh nodded in agreement and turned away from us all for a minute.
"Thank you Chase. I really do think you have become a much bigger person than you used to be and it's great to see. Glad to hear and good luck with you music. You both are welcome to stay as long as Josh doesn't care your here" Jaden told them. They nodded and Josh said to us.
"He and I are cool. We probably won't ever be buddy buddy again but we don't hate each other and that's what matters. We can be in the same room and be civil" Josh chimed in. We all nodded and by now it was almost 11 so we all chilled and played games and stuff until 11:55 when Jaden put his premiere on for his song. So what! Was one of Jadens favorite songs so far. He was so excited to release it and when he put the premier on the Tv he also went love for a few minutes. I was in the bottom part just a little part of my head and I was reading the comments.
"Alright guys imma hope off this live now but stream So what! out in one minute" he told them as he got off. Nobody has seen the music video yet, but we had all heard the song millions of times. It was one of the house favorites we loved to play even when Jaden didn't wanna hear it. The song was premiering and we were all jumping up and down so the joy and jamming out. When the song was over Jaden kissed me and Vinnie the sway house photographer was taking pictures. Jaden and the boys were all so hype dancing around to the song and shotgunning every drink even ones that didn't have alchol in sight. They loved it. We were all so excited and singing and re-watching the music video over and over again. When everyone was settling down after a while we started to relax again. I was back sitting on top of the counter with Jaden standing between my legs. He was leaning back into me and I was resting my head on top of his. He was all hyped up and such on energy drinks and adrenaline that he wasn't tired but I was exhausted.
"Babe I'm gonna be lame and go to bed. I think Nessa and Avani are thinking the same as me" I told Jaden in his ear. Nessa was resting on the chair with Josh and Avani was half asleep leaning against Amelie in which she had stolen her from Blake. I kissed Jadens cheek and congratulated him again before slowly walking up the stairs. I crawled into Jadens bed and drifted off to sleep, but before I could I felt Jadens hands wrap around my waist and lay down with me.

It all started with a tiktok...Where stories live. Discover now