Chapter 1: Branch

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"La la la laaa! Hug time!"

This obnoxious voice was the first thing Branch heard when he woke up. It was like clockwork. He would do anything to escape that wretched voice and—

Poppy. You'd think after so much singing she'd damage her vocal coords, or after so much hugging she would contract COVID-19, but no, as always she was happy. Too happy.

Today was the day. Branch would attempt to escape this miserable hell on earth and find a new home. Sure, he used to have a thing for Poppy; opposites attract and all that—but not anymore. Besides, she came out as a lesbian, which of course Branch didn't have a problem with, but all of her annoying mannerisms drove him insane. As he reached the edge of the city, he saw what appeared to be a screen, and two eyes staring lovingly back at him. He reached out his small little blue hand and...

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