Chapter 8: Liar "-"

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Luhan Pov

I am hugging something or I think someone?

It is so smooth like a skin of a girl


I think Nisha is awake ... I open my eyes slowly and my eyes get  widen because

I found My Self hugging with Nisha but she didn't hug me back

So its mean that I am the one who hug her!

Gossh this so embarassing you know!!

She rub her eyes

I hurriedly sit

"Whats wrong?"-Nisha

"Ahm, what happen ?? Why did I hug you?"-me

"I dunno,.you just said to me that you will hug me"-Nisha , chuckles

"But I didn't hug you back"-Nisha added

I put my right hand in my forehead

"Ahh ! "-me

"Dont worry , its just a hug"-Nisha

She give  me a teasing look

I hurriedly go to the bathroom to take a shower


But I feel comfortable when I hug her

When I hug her I feel so warm

Ahhh Your getting gay Luhan!!

Thats corny

Nisha Pov

He hurriedly go to the bathroom I think he is embarrased of what he did last night

Good thing he did not know that I hug him back

Yeah ! I hug him

I go to the front of the bathroom

"Luhan!! If you will  finish what your doing,  go down , because I will cook our breakfast and we will eat!! Arasseo?"-me


I go downstairs, I cook fried rice,hotdogs , sunny side up eggs , sausage and I prepare hot chocolate, and a slice bread that have a chesse and a condense

"Luhan, come down!! Were going to eat!"-me, shouting

"Im coming"-Luhan

After we eat I go upstairs to take a shower , to brush my teeth , to comb my hair , and to wear my uniform

I put a black ribbon clip on my hair

I get my bag and go downstairs

"Lets go?"-Luhan

I just nod at him

We are on the way to school

No one dare to speak

I think he is thinking about what happened last night hahaha

"Hey! Are you thinking about what happened last night?!"-me, I give him a teasing voice

"Uhm, ofcourse not"-Luhan

"Your not a good liar, haha I know that you are thinking about it! Do you want to know what exactly happend last night?!"-me

"ahm I want t-to know what happened last night"-Luhan

"Ok! When I was going to sleep you switch off  light and  jump in the bed"-me, I pause

"I stand up to go to the kitchen to drink some milk when you push me in the bed and  you kiss me just a smack ,after you kissed me you hug me from my back"-me , I said in a serious tone

Haha I want to laugh hard because of what I've said and to his reaction like this  o_O

Haha but I need to control it

"Did I kissed you?"-Luhan

Hahaha because Im a good girl hahaha I will tell you the truth haha



"Hahahaha Im just lying!! That is not the truth !! Hahahaha @ -@V" -me

"Yah!!! Liar!!"Luhan

Luhan Pov

" Yah Liar!!"- me

This girl so liar!!

"Hahaha sorry!! * -*"-Nisha, with a sparkling eyes

"So?? What  Exactly happened?"-me, I emphasize the word exactly

"Ok!! You just hug me , thats all"-Nisha


"Haha I cant believe you will believe me!! "-Nisha, laughing so hard

"Yah!! Whats funny?? , shut up!!"-me


"If you will not shut up , I will kiss you!"-me,

She suddenly stop laughing

"Ok I will stop laughing "-Nisha

"Good girl"-me

This girl is so cute #-#



Sorry for wrong grammar sometimes!!
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Take care!
Saranghae *

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