Chapter Eleven- The Princess is dead

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The boys introduced themselves and sat the table leaving no room for Y/n or Louis. 

"Now the names are out of the way what did the Enchantress say exactly?" Jaeden asked. 

"Talk to the dwarfs they will help you gather an army of your people" Y/n said repeating the Enchantress' words. 

"We would have to go to all the towns and there's a chance no one wants to help in fear of getting murdered by the Queen" Wyatt whispered.

"More people are going to get killed if Lina stays as Queen" Louis argued 

The boys huddled together whispering about the two people in front of them. 

"We know some people who might want to help but it's a days travel"  Jaeden explained

Y/n sucked in a breath a nodded her head "When can we go?" she asked. 


"we will have to get ready for the journey" 

No one noticed Jack walk down the stairs and open his mouth to talk. 

"What is this about a journey?" 

"We are going to help the Princess in getting her kingdom back" Jaeden answered. 

"No offence Princess but I'm helping you with your suicide mission" Jack said turning to the Princess giving her his full attention. 

"It's not a suicide mission I know what I'm up against" she replied slightly annoyed at Jack's statement. 

"Your up against a witch" he argued 

"he has a point" Wyatt whispered before sneezing. 

"Lina may be a 'witch' but I will have the power of the people" Y/n argued 

"The power of the people will not help you against someone who has magic on their side" Jack said raising his voice a little.

The door to the 'Dwarfs' house flew open and a cloaked figure fell to the floor. Everyone froze unsure on what their next move should be. 

The Princess was the first to move by stepping towards the figure on the floor and turned the person over. 

"Tess" she whispered 

"Princess" Tess grunted 

"Do something" Y/n whimpered looking at the Louis then the boys for help. Louis walked over to the two girls and picked Tess up putting her on the table. Tess' hand flying to her abdomen. 

Y/n grabbed Tess' hand and lifted them up revealing the blood all over them. 

"Put this on it" Jaeden said passing the Princess some moss. 

Y/n was unsure but did it anyway. 

"It's going to sting for a bit then you should be fine but do not make any sudden movements" he explained.

"Great another stranger in our house" Jack huffed 

"Now's not the time" Finn said elbowing Jack in the stomach. 

Tess shot up and sucked in a breath before hugging the Princess. 

"I thought you were dead" 

"Tess why would you think I was dead?" Y/n asked confused 

"Lina made a public announcement that you got murdered and she is trying to find out who did it" Tess explained. 

Y/n sighed and grabbed her head. "I'm leaving" she announced walking outside 

"What?" Tess said looking at the Princess shocked. 

The Princess walked out of the house and to the horse that the Enchantress had given her for the journey. 

"Princess what are you doing?"

~Next Chapter will be up on the third of February~

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