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It's been two weeks, two weeks sense me and Tommy broke up, without him it felt like my world was crumbling...

Seeing him in the halls in school, he didn't even glance my way, what was it about me that made him break up with me?

I missed him.. I missed him so much, but there wasn't anything I could do to fix it, so I had to struggle through it..

Me and Daniel and Ali walked through the halls going to the first class of the day, I looked over and saw Tommy talking to some girl.

"you need to get over him." He said, Ali nodded. I sighed and took a deep breath. "Your right, I need to get over him." I said and they both nodded.

As we walked away I looked back and saw Tommy standing alone, with a broken facial expression.

I couldn't help but think it was because of me, I doubted it though, he made it clear he didn't want me around him anymore..

"Y/n, I need to move on in a new chapter in my life, and it's one without you.. I'll always care about you but it's just not working for me anymore.. you didn't do anything to me it's just I can't be with you anymore, I need to figure out what I want and need, and I just don't think it's this relationship." He said, I looked at him with teary eyes. He couldn't even look at me, "if your gonna break up with me, you could at least look at my face." I spat before walking away to my car leaving Tommy standing under the light post outside the school. I didn't go to school for the first couple of days, I told my mom I was sick, but as it went along they sent me back, so I had to avoid him..

I couldn't stop thinking about our break up, I was thankful it wasn't a messy one but it still hurt so much. Was I ever gonna be over him... I don't think I ever will.


Thankfully the rest of the day I didn't have any encounters with Tommy..

I currently sat on my touch doing homework and the phone rang. "I got it!" I shouted and walked to the phone.

I picked it up and heard deep heavy breaths, "hello?" I said, "y/n?" A shakily voice called to me.

"Yes. This is her, who's this?" I asked, "Tommy." He said. I took a deep breath and went to hang up. "Wait! Please don't hang up." He said

"What do you want!" I said, "meet me at the dock." He said and hung up.

The dock was a literal dock, it was where we had our first kiss 3 years ago and met whenever we got into fights. I smiled at this gesture but shook my head.

I contemplated going, until finally I gave in. I had to hear him out, he's my first love, and I prayed he'd be the only one.

I walked out to my car and drove to the docks. I pulled into the boating unloaded area and looked over, there were probably over 15 docs, and I looked out and saw one, just one.

With a dirty blonde boy sitting on it, I walked out and sat down next to him. "You wanted to see me?" I asked.

He shifted himself before nodding, "I regret it." He said shakily, I looked at him as his glossy eyes sparkled from the reflection of the water.

"Regret what?" I asked calmly. He looked at me and scoffed, "Don't be dumb, y/n.. I miss you. I want a second chance." He said

I looked at him in disbelief, "I- I don't know.. how do I know this isn't some prank?" I said now looking around for his idiot friends.

He grabbed my hand and rubbed my palm with his thumb, "y/n please, let me make it up to you, give me one more chance..." he said and I looked at him and shrugged.

"You said you wanted to start a new phase in your life, that I was holding you back." I said and he frowned.

"I didn't mean it, I was having cold feet, but I regret it all, I love you to the moon and back, my heart beats for you." He said.

"Fine. Tomorrow night. Pick me up at 7." I said and stood up. "Good night Tommy." I said and walked to my car.



Ali and Daniel said I was making a mistake giving him another chance, but they supported me, I got changed into a cute outfit and looked at myself in the mirror.

My parents didn't know that me and Tommy had broken up, because I myself wasn't ready to face it, let alone my parents. They adored him..

"Honey! Tommy's here!" My mother yelled, I walked down the stairs and Tommy stood there, he smiled and said his hellos and goodbyes to my family before pulling me out to his motor bike.

We got on and started driving, "where are we going?" I asked. He looked back and smiled, "you'll see." He said and sped up


He pulled into the school parking lot, he shut his bike off and got off, I followed.. he walked around to the side of the school and handed me a can of spray-paint.

He winked at me and started spraying away. I started drawing roses and other cool graffiti things until we both ran out of paint.

He grabbed a blanket from a small compartment on his bike and pulled me to the football field.

He laid it out and pulled me to the ground, "you having a good time?" He said. I nodded and kissed his cheek.

"This is the most fun I've had in weeks, thank you for this." I said and he nodded, "your welcome, but I've been in the same boat, I've been miserable." He said and I nodded.

"Y/n? Will you be my girlfriend again?" He asked, I smiled and nodded and kissed his lips.

We kissed for a little longer till we heard yelling, we looked up and saw two groundskeepers looking at us.

We jumped up and started running towards his bike, "what about the blanket?" I asked, he laughed as we ran.

"I don't need it." He said and pulled me giving me a boost as we ran.

We got to the bike and the two ground men were gaining to us. "Start the damn bike!" I said and he smiled and drove away.

We just drove around for a while soaking up this wonderful night, it was about 11:30 and he pulled u to my house.

He helped me off his bike and kissed my cheek, "thank you for this amazing night, Madame" he said Bowing.

I laughed and curtseyed pretending I wore a ball gown. We both laughed and he walked me to my door, my mom and dad opened it and smiled at us two.

"It's so good to see you around here Tommy, we almost thought you two broke up." My dad joked, my mom laughed and me and Tommy looked at each other and laughed awkwardly.

"Ok, well I should head home." Tommy said and kissed my cheek, "good night." He said to me, "good night." I smiled.

"Good night mr. and mrs. y/l/n" he smiled. "Good Night Tommy!" They replied and I walked inside.

I walked to my room and laid in my bed shocked the fact this might actually happened, I was so glad we fixed things.

I loved Tommy with my whole heart and 3 1/2 years down the drain would've been traumatic. But I'm glad we worked through it and realized in the end we needed each other..

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