Chapter 4

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Ginny's POV:

I was in the great hall smiling and laughing beside Harry. I knew that our son James' girlfriend was a Malfoy. Harry also knew and we both approved because she was actually a sweet girl based on how James described her. I heard the doors of the great hall open so I turned around. I saw Draco Malfoy walking in with two boys I guessed were his sons. They looked like literal mini Malfoy's. However, I wondered where his daughter was because James was quite excited to see her. I shrugged it off and continued talking with Harry. 

A few minutes later the doors of the great hall opened again. I turned around and I was shocked. I was angry, surprised, and confused when I saw Hermione Granger walk in. That b!tch! She cheated on my brother and then fled like a coward. However, I was slightly confused when Ron told me this. It didn't sound like something Hermione would do. She had three beautiful girls standing beside her. I assumed they were her daughters. One of them had blonde hair and light blue eyes, another had platinum blonde hair and grey eyes, and the last had strawberry blonde hair and greenish greyish eyes. Then I realized something, the girl with blonde hair and light blue eyes was Lyra...... James' girlfriend. But would that mean Hermione was married to Malfoy..... no that couldn't be. 

Hermione's POV: 

As I walked in with Lyra, Cassie, and Eva by my side I spotted a woman with red hair staring at me with what I assumed was surprise confusion and anger. Then, I realized it was Ginny. Beside her was the one and only Harry Potter. I let Cassie and Lyra go do what they want while Eva stayed beside me. I walked up to Ginny and said, "Hello Ginerva how are you," "Oh I'm fine but after you cheated on Ron I can never forgive you. We will never be friends ever again," Ginny replied. I was disappointed in Ronald for telling lies but I did expect this to happen so I rolled my eyes and said, "Well if I cheated on Ronald how is it possible that I left and you can check the apparation department to see if anyone came with me, but Ronald suddenly has a girlfriend the day after I leave." Ginny looked a bit surprised but her eyes softened the tiniest bit. Then Harry noticed I was there. "Hermione! Why would you even come here after cheating on Ronald!" He said. Soon many of the gryffindors and Weasleys were scolding me while many of the Slytherins watched in amusment.

Almost all the Slytherins already knew I married Draco and Ron cheated on me. "Alright guys if you think I cheated on Ronald then I don't really care because I have true friends and a family and they believe me. If you do believe me then thanks a ton and I really appreciate it." I said. "Hah! Like you have any friends. I doubt you're married or have children." Ronald said. "Oh really? Kids come here!" I called out. All my kids as well as Draco walked over. "You should have known that death eaters cannot come," Ronald said facing Draco. "HOW DARE YOU TALK TO MY HUSBAND LIKE THAT," I yelled. Minnie (Minerva) walked over and scolded Ronald about the fact that he is not a death eater and that him and whoever agrees with him can leave. In the meantime, Everyone was staring at me and Draco in shock. 

"Hermione we need proof you didn't cheat on Ron," Dean said. "Fine," I replied. I took out my wand and put it against my forehead. I extracted the memory of me walking in on him snogging Lavender Brown. The whole hall gasped when they saw the memory. Ginny walked over with Harry behind her. They both pulled me into a bone crushing hug and Ginny was silently crying. "Mione I'm so sorry I didn't know and I'll do any-y-th-thing to make it up to you," Ginny stuttered through tears. "It's ok Ginny. I forgive you," I said. Ginny smiled and hugged me again. Harry then walked over and apologized to. I also forgived him

"Oh and guys you should probably know that Lyra and James are erm together," Draco said. "Yea I figured that out," Harry said. "We're inviting the Zabini's, and Nott's over this weekend would you guys like to come?" I asked Ginny. "I'd love that Mione!" She said. Then, Josh and Eva ran up to me. "Mum! James and Lyra are kissing!" Eva exclaimed. "It's bloody disgusting," Josh said. "Hell no," Draco said while trying to find them. I held him back and said, "Let them be hon."

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