Izuku's Origin Pt.1

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Hello, Lovelies!
I just wanted you to know that the little MHA pictures or memes that I put at the top of every chapter have nothing to do with the storyline, what's going to happen in this episode, or any episode in the future. I just like them so I share them with you! And yes some of them are corny af, you'll live.
Alright, that's all I had to say. Have fun reading!!

WARNING: verbal abuse, physical abuse, sexual abuse and kidnapping

Midoriya Izuku-

Today was the day I was finally going to the quirk doctor to see what my quirk was! I'm really excited. My fifth birthday passed last week and since I haven't got my quirk yet mommy and daddy are taking me to get checked out. I hope nothing is wrong. I'm going to be a hero when I grow up! I'm going to go to U.A. because that's where All Might went. All Might is my favorite hero! He saves everyone with a big smile on his face, so I want to be exactly like him.

"Izuku! Darling, it's time to go!" My mommy calls from downstairs.

I jump up and run downstairs, excited to see if I have Daddy or Mommy's quirk.


"I'm sorry to be the one to tell you, but, Midoriya here is quirkless."

Everyone in the room is silent then my mom starts to cry and Daddy walks out of the room. I just sit there staring at the doctor. I'm waiting for him to jump up and say 'Just kidding!' There was only one problem, he didn't. Even as I was led into the car and Daddy drove us home, I just sat there staring, waiting, waiting for someone to tell me that it wasn't true. That I could still be a hero, that I could still be like All Might. That I could still save people with a smile and become the number one hero. I just wanted someone to tell me that I could still have my dream. That my dream was attainable. But all that I got was being shoved into a wall.

"You useless, quirkless, brat!" My dad spat into my face. "Is this what I've been raising all this time? A lowly animal!" My dad punched me in the face and began to beat me up. Mom tried to stop him, but he just flung her back. After he was satisfied with beating me, he held me by my hair and dragged me up the stairs, ignoring my shouts of pain and sobbing. He flung me into my room then ripped all my hero posters off the wall and threw all my All Might figure out of the window.

"Not like you'll be needing any of these! You can NEVER be a hero! Hell, you can't even be a villain! you can't be anybody! You're just a nobody, and will always be a nobody." He slammed my door and locked it from the outside leaving me sitting on my bed crying, heartbroken, bruised, and helpless.


I wake up in my bed curled into a ball and covered in blood. It's normal for me. I might be only seven years old but I've experienced things that only adults get to experience. I know lots of big words and I don't even cry very much anymore! Whenever my mommy gets to speak to me she always tells me that I'm very smart for my age, but she always seems very sad when she says it. My mommy is always sad.

 I get up ignoring the pain in my ribs and back. Sometime last year, my father started to rape me. That's what it's called when he puts his part for peeing into my butt hole without asking. See, I know tons of words. Now he did it 5 times a week. He uses my mommy at other times. It's been two years since I was diagnosed as quirkless. Since I was diagnosed as nobody. I've given up on trying to be like All Might. At first, I hated him because he was supposed to save everyone with a smile, but never came to save me. Now I realize that he is human just like me and can't save everyone. I don't idolize him anymore though, I don't think I can idolize anyone anymore.

I walk into the bathroom and quickly shower, washing away all of the blood that covers my body and gently rubbing soap over my bruised ribs. After I finish my shower, I wrap a bandage that I stole from the nurse's office at school around my ribs and get dressed in my school uniform. Father makes me go to school so that nobody will suspect him. I don't care though. At school, I'm bullied and beaten up for being quirkless, and at home, I'm bullied and beaten up even worse for being quirkless.


I was shoved to the ground the second I entered the school. I looked up and saw my childhood friend now bully Kacchan scowling at me.

"Watch where you're going idiot Deku"
"Sorry, Kacchan" I whisper and quickly go to the classroom so that he can't say anything else to me.


Kacchan pushes me against the wall outside of school, making my back hurt more. Kacchan continues to slander and insult me with words no 7-year-old should know. The two insignificant kids at his side chime in sometimes with the occasional 'yeah', 'get him', or 'your so cool Bakugou!'. I didn't understand what was even remotely cool about bullying someone but I just ignored it and waited for them to get bored and leave.

After a few more minutes Kacchan was finally satisfied with his work and began to walk away. The kids with him didn't seem nearly as satisfied though. One of them kicked me in the stomach before walking away. The other one, seeing this, did the same before joining Kacchan leaving me coughing blood from the abuse to my already injured stomach. My ribs wined in protest when I stood up but my face remained void of emotion.

I walked through the normal back street so that I could get home faster and finally sit down. Sadly, my life doesn't want me to be happy so a hand wraps around my mouth and then someone else knocks me out. I fell back into the other person without complaint not having the strength anymore to fight. Right before I fell asleep I saw two boys, one with a hand on his face and dry skin and the other with black hair and stitches holding up burnt skin from the middle of his cheek down.

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